House of Wax

1 year ago

~ Supplemental Material ~

"The Lord's curse is on the household of the wicked but He blesses the home of the righteous..."

- Proverbs 3:33

At the beginning of the so-called "culture wars;" back in the 1960s; what the countercultural agents were trying to force into society, seems tame compared to how things are now, with the "progressive left."

What is appropriately set behind close doors; left for the privacy of adults; is sought by these radicals, to have everyone know about and be part of these lifestyles. This coercion is done so via mandates, which includes children.

This perversion is so twisted, that the fundamentals of society's core existence; is turned into and looked at as monstrous, by the countercultural agents and their assistants; the mainstream media.

Things will not get better on their own. Western society has allowed for the Woke movement to exist because those who pushed against them, were only a small number of people.

Considering that Christians are the largest demographic; that far exceeds every other group. With such a huge gap, compared to all others; the Woke movement and all it's previous incarnation; would have ended in the 1960s...if there were more people involved.

In America, 91% of Americans were Christians back in the 1960. Today, it's only 83% but that's still far more than any sociopolitical group, within the entire nation. The problem is that people couldn't be bothered.

Instead of standing against these perversions, towards God and mankind; people gave money and supported these radicals; that own companies, because of the money they saved by purchasing their products or loved their programming. All of which leads us to what we have now; where good is seen as bad and bad is morally superior.

The numerous ways in which these special interests groups continually push to degenerate people and families, isn't known by many; except those that have their eyes focused on this war of values.

The failure to stand up to; what has been used for several decades; manipulation to straight out bullying; has created an environment, where various churches embrace the LGBTQ2S+ lifestyle. Many are witnesses to the Pride community being completely absorbed into various Christian denominations. What people might not be aware of...

Here's a prime example as to why "traditional values" has lost so much to the radicals. The "Christian song" by the trans artist, isn't that remarkable. This person actually had two songs that has hit the number one slot, in 2023. One of them is linked below. The reasons for doing so; it allows anyone to see how it isn't a great song by any standard.

If one is thinking the position taken is out of prejudice; the next song, linked below, is from a Satanic band doing their "Christian song."

Taking aside the blasphemous intent of the song; if one were to simply listen to the song itself; the aesthetics of it is beautiful. The song by the trans artist, could have been from a straight, solid, Bible believing Christian; the song still wouldn't be any good.

How such a mediocre song became number one, wasn't a result of various Christian communities loving it. Instead, the trans artist went on TikTok and appealed to the LGBTQ2S+ community. It was their uniting and doing everything in their power to help promote both songs; that made them become number one.

Anyone that wishes to start being a force for good; a force for change; to help guide the Western world back to traditional family values; it isn't hard but it will take time and effort; in the same way the LGBTQ2S+ community help establish the "trans Christian" musician.

The the LGBTQ2S+ community and those part of the Woke movement; are actually small in number. They are only 15% of the American population. It seems as though they have larger numbers but this perception is only a result from the power they wield.

This power comes from the money given to them (which of course was mentioned earlier). Their unified, collective efforts to push their agenda; is how they comfortably use the abusive force and manipulation, that is seen through our society.

By boycotting, divesting and sanctioning all corporations that support; in anyway; the Woke movement or similar entities, that hold to such values; is the only way of getting back our liberties and live in a rational world. The link below, shows the power of doing such.

In the time frame of the video: 43 minutes and 35 seconds; starts the coverage of boycotts and it finishes at 45 minutes and 16 seconds. That segment illustrates two things. The obvious being, the power of boycotts but the second is part of the reason as to why so many Christians were silent, throughout most of the "culture wars."

Many Christians were on the sidelines because their spiritual leaders, vis-à-vis pastor, priest, bishop, deacon or elder; would tell their congregation not to get wrapped up or involved in politics or social issues because the world is corrupt.

Some of the most well-known spiritual leaders, such as John MacArthur, Jr., held that position. Anyone listening to his sermons; dated from the 1980s-1990s; anytime that issue was addressed; he'd said Christians should not getting involved with politics or social causes.

Ironically, his position and others like him, held the same position as Adolf Hitler. Hitler believed that Christians should only focus on preaching and sharing the Gospel. After all, he couldn't have 95% of the German-Christian population; at the time; attempt to stop the genocide of Jewish people.

In the case of Pastor Joe Schimmel's wasn't as common but despite the Bible actually supporting actions like boycotts (ex. Ephesians 5:11); the excuse used is having the possibility of wrong intent. If anyone examined such thinking, will come to the conclusion that such a position is irrational. Apply that same line of thought to any other area of life; the ridiculousness of it is clearly seen.

"'...we all have knowledge.' Knowledge puffs up but love builds up."

- 1Corinthians 8:1

That Passage shows the potential dangers of studying the Bible; the building of pride. Apply Pastor Joe Schimmel's logic and people shouldn't read the Bible. He clearly stated that he doesn't boycott anything because of wrong intent and to pray before getting involved in such actions.

An individual doesn't need to pray before doing whatever is right. Whenever God has clearly laid out what's correct, simply do it. This mindset that Schimmel is selling, would be equivalent to suggesting that someone pray about ending the watching of pornographic material. After all, can't allow for the possibilities of becoming self-righteous.

Fortunately, in the case of John MacArthur, Jr., he recognized the error in his ways and sermons in the 2000s take a much more involved position. All of it goes to show the importance of church leadership; where they know the Bible.

"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt should lose its taste, how can it be made salty? It's no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet."

- Matthew 5:13

There are several good resources to help fulfill what God has called every Christian to do. The ministries listed below, have been around since the late 1980s and if every Christian took the actions that were brought up by them; our world would be a different place.

The last link above, they also provide video resources.

Additional material to look over:

On the opposite end of things; besides boycotting, divesting and sanctioning all corporations; it's important to support corporations and people that will stand up for traditional values.

Keep in mind that as a result of these companies not being as large as their Woke counterparts, they don't have the capacity to get resources in high volume. As such, their merchandise cost a little more. Be that as it may, it's always important to do the right thing.

"The wicked person earns an empty wage but the one who sows righteousness, a true reward."

- Proverbs 11:18

Computers and other devices related to the internet:

When it comes to the last link, one needs to be aware of the strengths and weaknesses. The next link provides all the details and in addition, the home page also has good content, in relation to services for online devices.

Christian material (for many people Amazon is the go-to but they are one of the biggest Woke corporations, so despite convenience, consider what's moral):

Energy supplements (that's everything from coffee to nootropics):

Shoes, hats and other apparel:

The traditional values version of Amazon:


The last item in this category isn't a direct purchase corporation. Second party distributors are required to buy items from this company but the purpose is to show where they stand and also this is a good video to put likes to, so they get more notoriety and great press.

Video games (both of these game's profits help with covering the legal problems of those who are the main hero of the games):

With all that covered, there's another aspect of stopping the Woke movement. Unlike all the material above; supporting pro-traditional values companies; the next group of links aid in bring change as well.

As mentioned earlier, a "trans Christian" singer was able to get on top of the music charts because of the support given to this person. Providing similar support; by playing the videos linked below; putting a likes to each of them; then asking everyone to do the same; will help in ways a person couldn't begin to imagine.

The mainstream media has, for a very long time; manipulated public perception; this is particularly true of the corporate news media. Those in power, will cover what they decide is best for society.

Take for example what occurred earlier this year. On February 3, a train derailment caused the largest environmental disaster. The people in East Palestine, Ohio weren't the only ones to witness this accident. The chemical cloud was so huge, it was seen in space.

Despite such a serious event, other than the local news covering everything going on; the mainstream corporate news, had no interest covering such a tragedy. The reason being? The sitting Head of State, was one of their darlings and so all those underneath, such as Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

If it weren't for TikTok and the videos of train accident going viral; that entire situation would have taken the planned course of action; an underplayed news story, that would only had a brief mention.

By trying to get these videos that are linked below; to go viral; it allows people who aren't aware of the situation, see what's going on and forces the mainstream to cover what they want to hide. That's a win-win for everyone that wants to bring back normality to our world.

Some of these videos might seem pointless to make viral but despite it being out of the news cycle; it would send a clear message to those in control; they no longer are. The first link isn't news but rather a talented director. He isn't Christian but he does hold to traditional American values. His is the first on the list. The rest are important news items that need to be looked at.

Looking at the list, might seem daunting but other than the first video; it would be more time effective, if one were to simply listen to the video and attend to other matters, as it's playing. This way the information is gained, as well accomplishing other tasks in the interim.

There are going to be some that are uncomfortable sharing these videos with others and to ask those in which they are forwarded to; not just to view it but to put a like and forward as well. For all those with that discomfort; ask yourself, what's the worst that can happen? Either a delete of the message or a simple, "no" and life goes on. There's nothing lost but lots to gain, if they agree.

Be that as it may, Christmas is soon upon us and for this last segment, I'd like to ask that in the honoring of Jesus' birth (taking aside whether or not it's historical accurate); to take action that goes beyond simply the self-gratification of personal gain and to be a blessing to others.

The two links below...both are from Christian musicians. One is clear what the problem is, the other isn't so much. If one looks at the description section (which is below the video); all the information is provided for the situation concerning the person in the second video.

By simply putting likes to everything you see; where such is applicable; will boost their material and would broaden their audience. It would be the heart of what the holiday is meant to be...bless others as we ourselves have been.

If everyone would you unite, just as all those in the LGBTQ2S+ community had done with the "trans Christian" musician; it would be the beginning with getting back our nation from the degenerates.

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Help rekt the system of ctrl and abuse by the ieleets.

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