The Covid EUA Fraud That Paved The Way To Democide

1 year ago

Ivermectin is often recognized – 2nd to penicillin – for having the greatest impact on human health. And its discovery won the Nobel Prize in 2015.

But its existence threatened a $200 billion vaccine
“For the FDA to issue an EUA, there must be no adequate, approved, and available alternative candidate product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating the disease or condition.”

RFK Jr. told Joe Rogan earlier this year:

“They had to destroy ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and discredit it. And they had to tell everybody it’s not effective.

Can Ivermectin Treat Cancer? – 9 Papers Reviewed

“Ivermectin Worked!”: Peer-Reviewed Study Finds 74% Reduction in Excess Deaths

6 Secrets of Ivermectin: The Medication That Keeps on Giving

Lessons from Ivermectin: Why Stockpiling Life-Saving Drugs Is More Important Than Ever

Can You Overdose on Ivermectin? Dr. Pierre Kory’s Answer Will Shock You

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