Oroville Dam spillway collapses 🔴 2-11-17 inside the danger zone.

1 year ago

Oroville Dam spillway collapses and damage 2-11-17 Department of water resource says the dam is safe. See for yourself that it is. If you would like to join our news crew please send us a privet message and we can go from there. What happened is there was a crack in the spillway that water was able to force it's way into. Once the water pressure got under the slab of the spillway it hydrologically lifted the slab. Lets say you have 50 PSI of pressure being applied to a 1 inch hole. The water goes under an area of the slab that is sealed and it can not escape from. Lets say that area is 20 foot by 20 foot. That makes 57,600 square inches of surface area the water can push on. That makes that 50 PSI pressure capable of lifting 2,880,000 pounds. Since the slab was 12 inches thick the concrete used was only 1,600,000 pounds for that 20 X 20 area. That leaves a difference of 1,280,000 pounds of uplifting force. That force must go somewhere. This is how the spillway was damaged. Any crack can allow water in. This is why they build them with drainage so the water has a place to escape and it can not build up pressure.

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