Judgement is here, captives will be set free, sick/lame/mute plus, will be healed, dead will rise,

9 months ago

The time is at hand , judgement is here, proclaim declare and decree freedom for the captives, life for the dead (Luke 7:22), healing for the possessed and in bondage of any kind

It is Written:
Luke 7:20
[22] So He replied to the messengers, “Go back and report to John what you have seen and heard: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor.

#flock #poor #humbled #sick #broken #pain #addictions #illness # #hurt #hope #life #eternity #faith #depression
#flock #poor #humbled #pain #addictions #sickness #illness # #hurt #hope #life #eternity #faith #depression #oppression #captivity #pastors #priests
#jesusisnear #heisatthedoor#truth #holyspirit #god #praise #love #savior #christ #baptize #repent #endtimes #harvest #worship #church #prophesy #prophets #adonai #elohim #wonderful
#almightygod #vengeance #judgement #kingdom #nations #alpha #omega #first #last

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