Andre Hodge - Bitcoin Creation Mystery, Sotoshi Nakamoto Ghost, Courage to Accept Our AI World Now

1 year ago

🙏 Bitcoin Creation Mystery, Sotoshi Nakamoto Ghost🙏♾
♾🙏 Courage to Accept Our AI World Now 🙏♾

Bitcoin's Creation is A Great Mystery. Are You Ready To Know What Is Really Going On In Our World Now? So, We Can Then Have the Context To Truly Navigate It Successfully?

Welcome you EPIC, Relentless Soul of a being ;)

Thank you as always for allowing me to be a part of your journey. No matter how much that may be. I aim as always to make what ever time you spend with my content a very rich investment into your potential.

Over recent weeks i have been investing enormously into my own self healing. To recover what has been going on for quite a while. As well as getting me on my A game. At a time that seems so epic and ridiculous beyond belief. By variables in positions of strength absolutely not in our human specie's best interest. As a result of that investment in myself, i am really starting to see the simple elegance in the complex very clearly. Gaining moments of extreme inspiration. Allowing me to put many variables all together in a way i can explain it. To be the ally to you i know i can be. To accelerate your development ASAP.

Today i share with you what i feel my truth to be at this time. On answering some seemingly ridiculous mysteries related to Bitcoin. Something i have been across since close to its inception back in 2009. Thanks to my currency trading days. Which was extremely obscure and ridiculed variable back then.But is now a household name now worth a staggering amount.

Why is it though we have no idea of how something that challenges the incumbent and enormously powerful money system. Was even able to magically make it through their stranglehold? To establish itself to the powerful force it is today? We have no idea of how it came about. Or the equally mysterious creator Satoshi Nakamoto? I feel i have worked it out. But, you need to be sitting down for this one.

Just to offer you a variable i know is my strength on how i came to these conclusions. I have never been governed or limited in my perception mechanics. By what i presently know only. I have always embraced and been able to engage with the unknown as well. When processing everything i do to perceive.

I just offer this to you if you are reading as a variable that you to can train your perception muscles also. I strongly recommend you do this, It will be an enormous ally navigating in these times. I would go to the length of saying it is becoming almost mandatory to master this in order to overcome everything now. As things unfold with no reference relative to what has been. With many variables absolutely not on our species side at present.

I suggest you invest heavily in my recent releases if this interests you:

🌏♾🙏 Andre Hodge - The Courage To Explore The Unknown 🙏♾🌏
🌏♾🙏 And Potential That Awaits Us There 🙏♾🌏

🌏♾🙏 Our Intuitive Potential 1 🙏♾🌏
🌏♾🙏 Dean Radin and Noetic Spectrum 🙏♾🌏

🌏♾🙏 Our Intuitive Potential 2 🙏♾🌏
🌏♾🙏 Blink Gut Tech, Perception Corruption, Malcolm Gladwell🙏♾🌏

Other recommendations are :

Annette O'Tool's lost Blog:*/

Amplifying The Echos Of Our Souls Ancient Truth Playlist:

My Infinite Potential Soul Contract Revocation v2 for your Psychic Defense:

The Ashayana Deane audios i uploaded to my website:

Thank you for your courage to be here and allowing me to be a part of your journey. Thank you also for being even willing to contemplate what has been offered. I hope this clears the way for you to achieve your Infinite Potential going forth as well. :)

♾🙏 Enjoy and Dream Big :) 🙏♾

How to Access Andre Hodge for Healing Sessions:

Emotional Mastery Playlist:

Infinite Potential Healing Playlist:

Multidimensional Method to the 3D Madness Playlist:

Incarnation War Playlist:

All YouTube Videos:

Bitchute Channel Videos:

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