Dr Andrew Kaufman ft Christopher Gardner: New Horizons On The Law Of The Land! [15.12.2023]

1 year ago

We have the most famous Blue Devil of all time on the cast today as Dr. Andrew Kaufman joins us from N.C.

No one has deciphered the grammar of the VIRUS situation better than Dr. Kaufman, who has been a virtual mentor to me with regards to challenging medical assumptions.

This pod gets into the mental framework of Crushers as we explore the “flow state,” and we tread the gravy-laden waters of some of the current financial trends.
You’ve heard me talk quite a bit about health and biology for some time…

But today I had the chance to explore some other fields of interest that I’ve delved into for quite a while — namely, the fields of Psychology and Law (I was a forensic psychiatrist after all).

It was a pleasure being interviewed by Christopher Gardner, with whom I delved into sports psychology, entrepreneurship, and status correction.

I entertained questions such as…

…“How do you explain STDs without the ‘transmissible’ part?”…

…”How can you take legal action against the Cloud Seeding Companies that are behind the chemtrail spraying?”…

…“Is ADHD even real?”…

You’ll certainly find out in this interview, so stay tuned and enjoy this episode from the BioCharisma Podcast!

Original video:
"Roombas for the UN" w/ Dr. Andrew Kaufman | BioCharisma Podcast S2 Episode 19

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