BCP: Francis Bergoglio celebrates the liturgy invalidly because a manifest heretic is not a member of the Church

1 year ago

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Saint Bellarmine teaches: “For even bad Catholics [i.e. who are not heretics] are united (with the Church) and are (its) members, spiritually by faith, corporally by confession of faith and by participation in the visible sacraments; the occult [i.e. secret] heretics are united (with the Church) and are (its) members although only by external union; on the contrary, the good catechumens belong to the Church only by an internal union, not by the external; but manifest heretics do not pertain in any manner (either external or internal).”
It follows that if manifest heretics do not pertain to the Church in any manner, either internal or external, they celebrate the Mass invalidly.
Is Francis Bergoglio a manifest heretic? Yes, he is. He has provocatively dedicated himself to Satan and publicly promotes the abrogation of God’s laws and the enforcement of the antilaws of sodomy.
Is he therefore excommunicated from the Church in both external and internal manner? Yes, he is.
So does Jorge Bergoglio celebrate the liturgy validly? No, he does not. His liturgy is just a pious spectacle to deceive the faithful. He is no longer a member of the Church and therefore cannot be its head, nor can he celebrate the liturgy or administer the sacraments validly. This follows from the basic principle that a heretic is not a member of the Church. This is not only the teaching of St Bellarmine, but it is also the teaching of the Church Fathers, who build on the very essence of the teachings of Christ. What is true of Bergoglio also fully applies to his Bergoglian sect which occupies the Church today.
An excommunicated person cannot be the head of the Church and cannot validly hold any church office. The fact that Bergoglio and his sect do not respect this is another matter. The problem is that their public apostasy is respected by Catholics who have succumbed to the heresy of papolatry. Those who have excommunicated themselves from the Church cannot validly celebrate the Holy Mass, thus cannot consecrate. The Orthodox Church refers to such a situation as one in which the bishop or priest has been deprived of God’s grace.
Are true Catholic bishops obliged to obey Bergoglio’s orders and submit to the punishments inflicted upon them, such as excommunication or removal from office? No, bishops must not submit to or obey a manifest heretic dedicated to Satan. Sadly, Bishop Strickland made this tragic mistake. If St Peter had obeyed the hierarchy at the time, who forbade the apostles to preach the Word of God, the Church would not exist. The Apostle Peter responded to the High Priest’s prohibitions by saying, “We must obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29)
This attitude of the Apostle Peter must also be applied to Bergoglio and his sect, which occupies the highest office. Whoever obeys him and submits to him thereby disobeys Christ and renounces Him, whether consciously or unconsciously. And he who obeys a heretic partakes of the curse which the latter has brought upon himself. It is an absurdity that the arch-heretic Bergoglio abrogates the very laws of God, but appeals to the laws of the Church that suit him. If God’s laws are overthrown, the Church’s laws have no more justification, especially when they are abused against the very essence of Christ’s teaching.
A heretic celebrates the liturgy invalidly. In no case can we speak here of the principle of Ecclesia supplet. A priest who is in grave sin celebrates the liturgy validly because he has not excommunicated himself from the Church by heresy, but he celebrates unworthily. If a priest or bishop is a manifest heretic who has excommunicated himself from the Church, he celebrates the liturgy invalidly because a heretic is not a member of the Church, as St Bellarmine and the Church Fathers point out.
To be clear, it must be known that whoever shares the unity of spirit with the Bergoglian heresy, that is, is willing to legalize sodomy and even bless these sinful acts, this bishop or priest is a manifest heretic who has excommunicated himself from the Catholic Church and therefore can no longer validly celebrate the liturgy. This is a clear litmus test to identify a manifest heretic, a bishop or priest, from whom the faithful must separate themselves if they do not wish to participate in his path of rebellion against God that leads to eternal damnation.
Abused papacy changes teaching and spirit. Instead of the Gospel of Christ there is the anti-gospel of Sodom, instead of the Spirit of Christ there is the spirit of antichrist. Instead of the path to salvation there is the synodal path leading to damnation.
By abusing the highest authority, Bergoglio systematically forces every bishop and every priest to blaspheme God and convert to so-called LGBTQ welcomers. This is public apostasy from the Church.
Bergoglio is strongly pushing for the opportunity for unrepentant sinners, sodomites and other LGBTQ persons, who live in open rebellion against God, to receive Holy Communion and commit sacrilege.
“He who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself.” (1Cor 11:29)
What is the meaning of Christ’s Calvary sacrifice and its re-presentation in the liturgy? Jesus says: “This is My blood, which is shed for you for the forgiveness of sins.” But the basic condition for the forgiveness of sins, that is, for us to participate in this sacrifice, is repentance. This means acknowledging our sin and having it cleansed by the power of Christ’s blood through faith. But then we have to fight with sin. We must continue to call it sin, and not claim that we have no sins. When criticizing the October Synod, Cardinal Müller also revealed the promotion of a manifest heresy which claims the absurdity that the Holy Spirit now supposedly blesses homosexual acts! Sin itself is now blessed in churches in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!
And Bergoglio promotes this trampling on Christ’s sacrifice of the cross and on the essence of the holy liturgy. This blasphemy is equivalent to satanist desecration in so-called black masses! Unfortunately, many bishops, priests and believers, under the aura of the heresy of papolatry, accept this supreme blasphemy as a new revelation of the Holy Spirit, said to have been received by “Holy Father Francis”. This madhouse was the secret agenda of the entire October Synod.
Moreover, Bergoglio strives to introduce pagan elements into the liturgy, which is also intended to gradually replace the Spirit of Christ with the spirit of antichrist. We ask: At what stage of this transformation will the liturgy become invalid?
The degradation of the liturgy is supposed to culminate in introducing the ordination of female deacons and priests, and consequently bishops. This will already be a satanic hierarchy and the grossest insult to Jesus Christ and His saving death on the cross. A liturgy mixed with pagan demon-worshipping rites, with a so-called ordained woman in priestly vestments at the altar instead of a priest, will be invalid.
Because Jorge Bergoglio is a manifest heretic, he is excommunicated from the Church, and therefore cannot be the head of the Church, nor can he validly celebrate the Holy Mass. Bishops, priests and the faithful must not obey him and must separate from him as a manifest heretic.

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops

10 December 2023

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