THE DEEP STATE’s MINDCONTROL & MANIPULATION TACTICS (see description box for more info)

1 year ago


Fortunately their evil plan has failed! This will not happen now. The deep state are rapidly losing power thanks to all the courageous people who are fighting very hard behind the scenes on the side of humanity. However we are still not yet out of the woods. We are currently in a secret war and this is the final battle. In order to help speed things up and we must all:
1. Not comply with their evil agendas.
2. Let go of hate and fear and embrace love.
3. Work on empowering ourselves.
4. Let go of separation mentality, come together and unite.

Self-empowered and united in love is how we will bring down the deep state and liberate humanity.

For more information I recommend researching the work of the following people:
🌟Elena Danaan
🌟Alex Collier
🌟Dr. Michael Salla

I also highly recommend this excellent (yet distrubing) FREE 3HR DOCUMENTARY: The Fall of the Cabal by Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter.

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I don’t post much about disclosure on YouTube because whenever I do they keep deleting my videos or shadowbanning me. It appears the psychopaths in power are really increasing the amount of censorship as they desperately try to push for their 2030 global reset plan for genocide and complete world domination. Don’t worry though, they will fail! Don’t believe all the fearporn, doom and gloom you see in the media! They want us to be afraid because fear makes it easier for them to control us which is why WE MUST ALL CHOOSE TO EMBRACE LOVE instead. Yes, there is a lot of chaos and destruction happening in the world right now but there is no need to panic because soon we will be free! This is the final countdown to the end of their tyrannical rule. Once the deep state are removed, we will be witness to some incredibly positive changes to all aspects of society! All you need to do is focus on love, on empowering yourself and raising your frequency and we will get through this. Better times are to come and the future is bright. ❤️

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