Rain working the gate 15 Dec 2023

1 year ago

Rain the 4 yr old Spotted Saddle horse started in training on 18 Oct 2023 - so working the gate is a progress test done on 15 Dec 2023 pretty nearly two months in to training. So why use "working the gate" as a progress test? Working the gate requires the horse to know all the basic lateral movements and do each until the cue is released - then either stand still and await further direction OR if a different cue has been given immediately execute the new cue - sometimes two lateral movements are needed simultaneously in opposite directions such as shoulder yielding right while hip yielding left. Backing only while cued and going forward only when cued are also essential to get the gate worked properly. And of course the horse which moves off subtle leg cues then also needs to when told whoa at the latch needs to NOT MOVE while the rider does the required movement on the horse to work the latch - basically ignore what may feel like a cue when told to "stand still and grow roots awaiting further direction." This is why, in my opinion, working the gate is a good progress test for a horse in starting level training.

As of end of day 15 Dec 2023 Rain has logged 133.1 road and trail miles. I very firmly believe that in addition to foundational training it takes REAL miles going somewhere (not just in circles in an arena) in order to make a good horse.

Remember to intentionally, on purpose, learn of God each day by prayerfully reading, studying, and pondering upon God's word each day. Talk to God in prayer as your Heavenly Father who would like for you to be His friend. Find out what He would like you to do for Him as His friend and go and do it for Him as His friend. Yes very intentionally, very much on purpose, become the friend of God. And have a blessed day!!

Jack Griffes
Certified Farrier accepting new clients in my core area https://griffes.tripod.com/farrier.html
Colt Starting Trainer - contact me to get your horse on my waiting list
Constitution Coach
Freedom is the cure - Learn, Love, Live the Principles of Liberty https://griffes.tripod.com/Learn-Founding-Principles.html .
How did your federal and State reps and senators vote in relation to the Constitution they are oath bound to defend and uphold?
https://thefreedomindex.org/ .

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