10 months ago

In this episode, Paul and Barnabas attend the Council at Jerusalem and codify the New Testament, Church Age gospel of salvation by grace through faith
We are so very excited to have started a new multi-part series on the life and ministry of the apostle Paul! In this first part we see him as Saul, the absolute enemy of the Church of Jesus Christ, and a scary-good type of Antichrist to boot. In this second part, Saul is commissioned by the Lord into the gospel ministry, and gets his named changed to Paul. Exciting stuff!

“When therefore Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and disputation with them, they determined that Paul and Barnabas, and certain other of them, should go up to Jerusalem unto the apostles and elders about this question. And being brought on their way by the church, they passed through Phenice and Samaria, declaring the conversion of the Gentiles: and they caused great joy unto all the brethren. And when they were come to Jerusalem, they were received of the church, and of the apostles and elders, and they declared all things that God had done with them.” Acts 15:2-4 (KJB)

On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we travel to Jerusalem to meet a man exceedingly zealous of the Law of Moses, so zealous in fact that he can have men and women who believe in Jesus executed without a single tinge of conscience. That’s Saul, and he’s as hardcore as they come. Everything is going along great for Saul, right up to the moment he meets the risen Lord and Saviour on the road to Damascus, and that’s when it all ‘hits the fan’ for Saul’s career as self-appointed destroyer of the Church. What will the Lord do? Strike him down, put Saul in the lowest Hell? On the contrary, Jesus uses Saul as the archetype example of what God’s grace is all about, then makes him the apostle for the Church in the brand-new Age of Grace! This is Part 3 in a series.

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