Justin Schainberg kicking his latest victim out his room, calls his mom for help June 2022

1 year ago

If I remember correctly this is from like the first night she came around to his place to stay as she had nowhere else to go.

He starts ordering her to clean up and do other things while he sits and streams. Starts threatening to kick her out because she isn't doing what he wants.

At 4:50 he calls his mom to say he's having this problem and to tell her through the phone to leave. He ends up kicking her out and gives her a can of mace as he says his neighborhood is dangerous at night.

We never seemed to catch what this woman's name was or exactly what her deal was but she seemed to have moved to Los Angeles recently and hadn't been able to secure permanent accommodation. Justin says that he met her through his friend "Messi" who is back in Florida.

He refers to her as his "friend" however it's important to make it clear he intended for them to share the same bed and bathroom in a single room bachelor studio apartment.

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