Prophet Amanda Grace - The Spirit of Pythos and the United States Part 2 - Captioned

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There is still so much more to unpack in this teaching, so you don’t want to miss tonight’s part 2! Amanda talks about how New York has been an epicenter, Operation Medusa to block Snake Malware, along with the role the Spirit of Pythos has played in taking prayer out of public schools, banking crises and the corruption in the White House. Tune in Nov. 16 at 6pm ET.

Video Transcript:

Welcome Amanda. Grace here. Thank you for jumping on today. Praise the Lord. We are back with part two about the spirit of Pythos and America and the rise of it, not only in this nation, but in other nations as well. So welcome to everybody watching in the United States and around the world.

Hello to everybody jumping on. You know, we see so many people from around the United States, but we see so many people too that come on from worldwide in other nations. And we are just so blessed for that. Thank you for joining us and hello to our moderators and Ark of Grace team. Thank you for helping us do what we do for The Lord.

So part one ended about Pythos and we're going to open up a prayer in a minute. I'm just setting the tone here. We're going to start going into actually events that happen in this nation and things that happen that tie directly to this. So let's open up in prayer and then we are going to get into part two.

Father God, in the precious name of your son, Jesus Christ, we come before you. We praise you. You are almighty God. You are high and lifted up far above every power, principality and might. We give you all the glory, honor, and praise. Do your precious, holy, perfect name. We humble ourselves before you this day, Father, asking that the pull of the flesh becomes less in our lives, so you, your will, and your power become more in our lives.

We acknowledge you sent your son, Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, to the earth, and the word became flesh and dwelt among us. He was the Passover Lamb, the sacrifice for our sins. He willingly died at Calvary. He purchased us by the shedding of his blood. Father, we praise you Lord, that we were purchased. We were bought with the highest price that he made an open show and spectacle of the enemy before all of creation.

Lord, we thank you and praise you that Jesus Christ rose again in three days, ascended back into heaven after appearing to many and took his rightful, righteous, victorious place at the right hand of the father where he rules and reigns forevermore. He is our advocate before your throne and we honor that before you this day.

Father, we invite your presence, the presence of Ruach Elohim, the Spirit of the Living God, and the presence of the Ruach HaKodesh, the Holy Spirit, to fill this place, Lord, Father God, that your presence would move, that the weight of your glory would fall, that your power would go forth, Father, Lord, that you would order my words, that you would go before us.

Father, lead. And guide us in all wisdom, counsel, might, power, and the reverential fear of the Lord. By the power of Jesus Christ, by the spirit of the one true living God, may only the truth and power of Almighty God with authority now come forth in Jesus name. Father, take all the glory for yourself. You are the powder, we are merely the clay.

You are the author and finisher. Of our faith, Father God, Lord, you order our steps, Lord, you are absolutely good. We give you all the glory, honor, and praise today in the precious name of your son, Jesus Christ, Yeshua. Amen and amen. Amen and amen. And we just, we God bless our Jewish brothers and sisters out there.

Baruch Hashem it would be late, late evening. It would be time to say goodnight in Israel. So I say Laila Tov to those in Israel. Good night. As we go forth, we're thinking about you. We're praying for you. We're standing with you. Okay, so. Part two. So we ended with the scripture in Job and part one actually Job 2012 through 19.

Okay, that's where we ended. Now we're going to start with New York State because New York State kind of sets the tone for some of this because New York State is is key. It is a key territory. It is it is it is a bite after territory and all of this. So in 1838. The New York legislator made a declaration, and this is what they said.

In all countries, some kind of religion or other has existed in all ages. No people on the face of the globe are without a prevailing national religion. That is true. With us, it is wisely ordered that no one religion shall be established by law, but that all persons shall be left free in their choice and in their mode of worship.

Still! This is a Christian nation. Ninety nine hundredths, if not a larger proportion, of our whole population believe in the general doctrines of the Christian religion. Our government depends for its being on the virtue of the people, on that virtue that has its foundation in the morality of the Christian religion, and that religion is the common and prevailing faith.

Of the people. This was declared in 1838 by the New York legislature. You want to know why the enemy's mad and wants New York so bad. You want to know why Roe versus Wade started in New York. You want to know right now these trials and these judges and then these people in New York, they're supposed to be leadership are doing what they're doing right now.

It goes back to this. It goes back to this. New York would be the ground zero for some major Major cases in this nation that changed the trajectory. Of where this nation went, so let's go back to act 16 for a minute. That was in part 1 act 1616. It happened that as we were going to the place of prayer, a slave woman who had a spirit of divination met us who was bringing great profit to her masters by fortune telling.

As they were going to a place of prayer, on their way to a place of prayer, they are moving towards a place to be with the Lord, Paul and Silas, and to talk with him outside of the pagan city, which is Philippi. And when they are met by this woman, they are trying to get to a place with the Lord. They are met by this woman who had a spirit of divination, also known as Pythos.

Pythos was involved in this because the Oracle of Delphi was in this area. To oppose them and out them before a very pagan people to derail God's plans for being carried out. The Oracle of Delphi was in that area. The Temple of Apollo was in that area at the time of this account, I believe. Now, how does this connect?

Well, the Spirit Pythos attempted to accelerate or Excel. Remember we spoke about Excel in part one and how they introduced Python for Excel in late August of 2023. So the Spirit Pythos attempted to accelerate or Excel. Based on event, which means to be superior based on events from 1958 to 1959. What happened during that time during this time, a group of parents that included Steven angle in Hyde Park, New York.

There's New York again, objected to the prayer which read, Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon thee, and we beg thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers, and our country. This was prayer in school. And this gentleman sued the school board president, William Vitale. The prayer, which proponents argued, was constitutional because it was voluntary and promoted the free exercise of religion.

was upheld by New York's court, prompting the petitioners to file a successful appeal to the U. S. Supreme Court. ANGLE, um, ANGLE was supported by the American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU, which is, which, there's a lot to say about that. And briefs were filed on their behalf by the American Ethical Union and the American Jewish Committee.

Now, this is where In New York, the American Jewish Committee should have never been involved in this. They should have never been supporting a man who wanted prayer out of school. Because, Christian or Jewish, you could still pray for voluntary prayer. So this makes no sense that the American Jewish Committee got themselves involved with supporting somebody who wanted to rip prayer.

Out of schools. Okay. So I found that interesting because just for the fact of, you know, you expect it out of the ACLU, you would not maybe expected out of the American Jewish committee while the governments of some 20 states called on the U. S. Supreme Court to uphold the prayer. Now. Why New York? First of all, New York is the carotid artery to Washington DC.

It feeds DC a lot what it needs. It is a financial hub, New York. It is a vied after territory in the Northeast. Right? There's a lot of reasons why New York. Secondly. 1959, so 1958 to 59 was when this happened. 1959 was a Shemitah year. So during a Shemitah year, this spirit, Pythos, is involved to advance the agenda.

Prayers in school be constricted and removed. Aita year happens once every seven years. On the Jewish calendar, it takes 7 49 years to make a jubilee. Okay? At 50 years in 1962. Eng versus Vitale. The Supreme Court held that the establishment clause prohibit the recitation of a school-sponsored prayer in public schools.

On July 9th, 1962, Newsweek reported a swell of indignation, astonishment, and bewilderment that swept, that swept across the nation. Following the Engel decision, 15 states refused to discontinue prayer and Bible reading in their schools. A Gallup poll taken soon after the decision revealed 79 percent of Americans disapproved of the ruling.

The New York Times reported that after Engel The negative mail and the Supreme Court received negative mail was the largest in the tribunal's history. So the Supreme Court in history received more negative mail over their decision to take prayer out of schools than anything else. So prayer gets removed from schools.

Do you hear them? Do you hear the birds? Just four years after this, just four years after this monumental, spiritually altering, trajectory altering decision on the part of the Supreme Court, okay, the stock market crashes. The stock market in 1966, which was a Shemitah year, crashes. On August 29th, 1966, the s and p dropped 500, dropped to 74.53 down, which is negative 20 point 76% from its prior high six months.

Previously on February 9th, 1966. The smeeta started on September 14th, 1966, and the market reached its low. On October 7th, 1966,

so if you notice the was

very close, the, the low was very close to the day of atonement in October. So, the low of the stock market crashing. Was at its lowest October 7th, 1966, which is very close to the time of Kippur, the Day of Atonement. So Kippur in 1966, started Friday, September 23rd, 14 days after the day of Atonement. The stock market reached its low.

So 14 is double sevens and seven years after the battle to take prayer out of school begins, the stock market crashes 14 days after double sevens of the day of atonement, where it is believed in the Jewish faith that the Lord God Adonai judges, it reached its complete low. In 2008, the banking crisis happened in the United States.

It was also the year that Barack Obama was elected. It was a Shemitah year. This is where Pythos makes another aggressive advance because Obama was not supposed to win. He wasn't. And this spirit was involved. So through those eight years, he was in office, it could lay eggs that we see hatching now because snakes.

Lay eggs 2015 on June 26, 2015, the US Supreme Court struck down all state bans on same sex marriage, legalized it in all 50 states and required states to honor out of state same sex marriage licenses in the case Obergefell versus Hodges, 2015. Year. Barack Obama was in office on his second term. This was another egg that was hatched for us.

Right now, the next schmee cycle begins 2028, which is an election year in the United States of America. Okay, just just food for thought. 2021 to 2022 was a year. 2021 is the year Joe Biden takes office after a very corrupt and unsettling election. This was another egg hatching. Of the serpent September 2021 is also when Zelensky visits the White House.

What were the colors in Python Excel that were rolled out the colors of the Ukrainian flag that they just rolled out this past August. There it is the colors of the Ukrainian flag. 2021 is the year prosecution occurs for January 6th. 600 people in more than 40 states. 20 2021 was the year Cuomo resigns as governor of New York.

2020 2021 was the, was the time of the Astroworld disaster, which was nothing more than a demonic ceremony and mess that happened in Texas. 2021 was the year the Evergreen ship Get stuck in the Suez Canal near Egypt. These are all smeta years that these things happened on now to 2023, and now this all connects to one head.

You have many serpents. You have TTOs out, right? Many serpents. One head, May 9th, 2023. The FBI and US Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of New New York launched an operation known as Medusa. The operation they launched is called. Medusa, the FBI and the U. S. Attorney's office for the Eastern District of New York neutralized the S the F.

S. B. S. premier cyber espionage malware implant in coordination with multiple foreign governments. This is May 9th, 2023. They launched this and it says the Justice Department today announced the completion of a court authorized operation code named Medusa to disrupt a global peer to peer network of computers comprised by sophisticated malware called.

Snake, that the United States government attributes to a unit within Center 16 of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. So, Medusa and Snake. And it says, it goes on to say, Operation Medusa Disabled Turless Snake Malware. That makes no sense because Medusa does not disable snakes. Let's just put it that way.

On comprised computers through the use of a FBI created tool named.

Who was Perseus? Perseus and the movie, the Clash of the Titans was the one that took the head of Medusa. He killed Medusa. So they, they do an operation Medusa. To disable this snake malware and the FBI created a tool to work with this named Perseus. This is Greek mythology and these demonic territorial spirits all over the place right now in what is happening.

But we, praise God, we have authority through Christ Jesus and we have to remember that in all of this. So this operation was executed by the FBI and the United States magistrate when we talked about magistrates, the chief magistrates with Paul and Silas, how was the chief magistrates who had the beaten it didn't question them and judge them before, uh, before questioning United States magistrate judge Pollack of the Eastern District of New York.

Authorize this. So New York helps the FBI authorize an operation named Medusa that has a tool named Perseus to take out snake malware.

And you know who else was involved in this? Merrick B. Garland. He was another one involved in this. Deputy Attorney General of the Justice Department was also involved in this. FBI New York field office. was also involved in this and they announced the operation. Operation Medusa.

It was on June 5th, 2020. I had awoken to an open vision that morning and this is what it was. I had just awoken to have my time with the Lord and start my day with him. When I sat up in bed, I was awake, but my eyes were closed. I saw arise in the realm of the spirit, two serpents who were facing each other.

Suddenly, out of the two, a multitude arose, all intertwined together in this tangled, intertwined, cloud like formation, that appeared from within this intertwined formation a face. The face came forth into the center. It was an incredibly wicked face. Suddenly, it began to move. The face with the serpents all around it.

However, they were all connected to this face or entity. I am not sure. I am not sure it began to move because, Oh, I'm sure it began to move because it knew I had seen it. So I'm not sure if the reason why it was moving is because I had spotted it, or it was on the move for something else. But I believe this in itself was prophetic in nature, because it was on the move.

This Medusa head. Was on the move, I asked the Lord in Jesus' name to loose and release his holy warring angels and the host of heaven of all rankings and divisions to confuse blocks, scramble, abort, destroy, dismantle, and disable every plot scheme, contract, assignment attempt, counteroffensive, communication, weaponry, blueprint, attack, and strategy of the enemy, and what has been released in this hour.

So after this, I've led to go look up about Medusa. Not that I like doing that, but for this case because of what I saw. Because this had to do with what the enemy was releasing. Was releasing from that time on so this had to not only do with the riots, but political plots and seducing the people of God to come into agreement with these vortexes of destruction.

The enemy is released. So 1 head has many snakes on it that are. All going out into different arenas to entice, allure, constrict, and enslave.

And I had written at that time, which is interesting for now, because this is over three years ago. Where is all the protesting for the anti Semitism and attacks on Jewish temples? And the SWAT sticker spray painted where these temples now have to keep the doors locked and have armed security at services.

We forgot that the Jews were treated as property. Six million of them exterminated. Concentration camps with numbers tattooed on their arms. Treated like animals. You see it more than, you see it is more than one group of people in this country who were enslaved. So back then, I'm writing. About protesting, um, for anti semitism, you like against it, basically protesting against anti semitism.

And I'm writing this back then. Now, you see what's happening now. And these, these enormous protests. against antisemitism and what's happened to Israel. But I wrote it back then in association with this vision of this head that had many snakes on it.

And I wrote, this Medusa like spirit destroys those once it's done with them as pawns. And you will most certainly see leaders of specific groups, you will see the consequences of rebellion upon them. Those who have blood upon their hands in all this have opened a legal door in the spirit for it to come.

Upon them and their households, all those serpents had a mouth, but the source was one head. So let us talk about this cluster of serpents coming from one source. This is all back in 2020. So, let us look at the chain of events in Genesis 3, because it has to do with what is happening now. Why did the serpent target Eve 1st?

seduction. The serpent knew if he could turn Eve, she could seduce Adam for him. The serpent only gives Eve about 20 percent of the whole truth of what will happen. What happens? Eve does not ask any questions. She does not really grill this talking serpent. She does not call on the name of the Lord, because if she did, the truth would have come forth.

She blindly believed a very mangled, manipulated version of the truth that the serpent was feeding her. And in turn, she goes and feeds the serpent's version of the truth to Adam, doing the serpent's bidding for him, and seduces Adam into coming into agreement. So you see the serpent does things in a chain of command sort of way where he gets willing hosts to spread a very toxic, destructive, life altering message that brings nothing but destruction, fear, shame, and chaos, because those are all the emotions Adam and Eve went through and experienced when they fell for the snake oil salesman.

Keep in mind back then. I said snake oil salesman. So this was June 6, 2020. So keep in mind that snake oil salesman. You see, if the enemy can get the masses to reject authority, it is a rock and skip for him then to get them to reject God. This is about getting people to rebel against authority, to get people to believe that chaos accomplishes more than order.

1 Samuel 15, 23. For rebellion is as the sin of divination, and presumption is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, he has also rejected you for being king. This 1 Samuel version is going to come into play now, because Saul is attempting to get his crown back, and the Lord thy God has already rejected him.

And the Lord will not take this challenge lightly. Proverbs 17 11, evil people are eager for rebellion, but they will be severely punished. Rebellion started in the Garden of Eden, man attempting to challenge God's authority, believing they could rule like God, which could never be, because the Lord knows the end from the beginning and the beginning from the ending, and that is what makes his judgment so righteous and ours so.

There was rebellion in the wilderness in Numbers chapter 16 by Korra and what was at the heart of his rebellion. What was at the heart of Korra's rebellion in Numbers 16? Korra was jealous of the fact that Aaron had been chosen as High Priest to the exclusion of anyone else. Furthermore, his cousin, Elisaphon, had been chosen as head of the Levite family of Kihon, to which Korra belonged, and Korra felt this position was rightfully his.

Jealousy for the leadership position. Challenging the Lord's choice in Moses and the priesthood in Aaron. So what happens? Quorra launches a propaganda, slanderous, seducing campaign. Because that spirit, this spirit of Pythos, this is an ancient spirit. It's a very ancient spirit. So he launches this slanderous seducing campaign led by the enemy himself to attempt to get the people to overthrow Moses, basically also to overthrow God.

And had that happened, the Jews would have never made it to the promised land ever. Then Korra was preparing those, he swayed to his side, for violence, to try to get his way. So he was trying to invoke them to attack and be violent to get their way. What's the word for violence? In Genesis six, Hamas, this is a picture on the earth of re of the Rebellion.

Satan himself attempted to lead against God in heaven. This is a reflection on the earth of of, of similar events. What happens? Well. This is what I wrote back then, be careful for when God appoints a leader and the protection of the Lord is upon that leader and the Lord upheld the cause of Moses and Aaron and Korah and those with him were right then and there swallowed up by the earth.

So be careful because when God appoints a leader and you try to overthrow that leader, you come after that leader, you lead a rebellion against that leader, you seduce others. To try to destroy that leader, that is the, that is the portion that Quora received and the earth swallowed them up.

April 16th, 2020. The word of the Lord says watch closely my capital children the timing of the re emerging of Barack Obama for he has been baited to come back out says the Lord to support a puppet, a political outie duty, and the puppet masters are some of the most wicked, some even from other countries that do not value freedom or serve me almighty God.

The spirit of Pharaoh will attempt to arise, says the Lord. However, I, the Lord, by my power and outstretched arm, shall put down that rebellion and strip it of its power, says the Lord. For those who serve it will have the hidden books opened and their perversions and preferences exposed. Yes, says the Lord, full exposure and transparency.

That's capitalized. You shall see the rest of the year. For I am waking those in America and around the world up to the game that has been played at the expense of the people. Now, what did Pharaoh wear on his head? As he's saying, the spirit of Pharaoh right is rising in America now. This is back in 2020.

The Pharaohs of ancient Egypt were a range of crowns and headdresses to show their power and status. One of the most famous is the Neese, which you might recognize from oh my gosh, this is a long word. Tutin Kamins Golden mask, I think. Is that King Tut? That's King Tut. The names. Or nemes was a striped linen headcloth, which was tied at the back of the head.

On each side were lapets, they were decorated sides on each side, which came down over the shoulder. Depictions of the pharaohs would often show a rearing cobra in the middle of the headdress, called the, the, the Uraeus. This represented the goddess Wadjet, and offered protection as well as highlighting the royal nature of the wearer.

So in the middle of Pharaoh's headdress is a serpent.

The Lord's talking about back here, the spirit of Pharaoh rising in America. Who does Pharaoh rise with? The serpent. Because the serpent is on his head. Pythos is on his head. Python, there it is, is on his head. That's a great picture. There's the serpent. On the head of Pharaoh. Now, they talk about this false goddess, Wadjet, briefly.

Who is associated with ISIS. Which is associated now with Hamas. So the spirit of Pharaoh, associated with this false goddess, Wadjet, Who is associated with Isis, who now we equivalent today to Hamas. We use these signs that say Isis is Hamas. The brotherhood and has seeped deep into our government and has enchanted part of the church.

March 6, 2020. I am asserting what has been concealed beneath what looks to be good soil. And I am exposing what is lurking underneath. I, the Lord, am exposing some of the biggest deceptions being perpetrated against man. Now is the time, says the Lord thy God this day, now is the hour for the Pharaohs of this world and the Hamans of this world, and they do not stand a chance to remain in a position of influence after they have tampered with and corrupted the office in order to hurt my children.

I am exposing the snake oil salesman, says the Lord of Hosts this day. Okay, so this is the second time now snake oil is mentioned. Snake, Snake Oil Salesman is mentioned. Again, March 6, 2020 in a prophetic word. I want to show you what Fox just recently came out of this and and Nicole from our team mentioned this and we went and found it, but

Fox has a new show out in this hour called. Snake oil. What does it say at the end? I am exposing the snake oil salesman, says the Lord of Hosts this day. That was March 6, 2020. Fox has now come out with a show called Snake Oil, which is all about deception, being deceptive and being able to perceive.

Whether you're being deceived, this is the whole premise of this show and it's coming out and the S is a serpent if you see it, the S is a serpent. This is how Pythos rears its ugly head, but in the middle of what we see happening in the country and in New York. A game show comes out. Oh, because it's a game.

It's just a game. No, it's not a game. It's not a game like we think. This is a very dangerous game. Comes out called Snake Oil. Now, March 13th, 2020. I, the Lord God, am taking the axe to the diseased stumps of these brambled and entangled mess of these very crooked trees that grew in a winding and serpent like fashion.

Because their roots were drinking from the rivers of darkness, not of the living water of my capital word, says the Lord, the sickle is the hook. I, the Lord speak of an Ezekiel putting a hook in their jaw and I, the Lord, I'm doing the same. I have put the hook in the core of what drives them. Power, or drives them to power, control, and thirst to oppress and depress in order to attempt to elevate their father, the devil.

I, the Lord, have put a hook in their jaw and in their core and am leading them in their delusions and illusions while the axe is being taken to their stump. And soon Timber, capitalized, shall be yelled and the crash will be loud, says the Lord, and send shockwaves and fear amongst those who were doing their bidding, who will now be caught.

February 25th, 2021 and says the spirit of the Lord this day, the captain of the army of the Lord of hosts has been dispatched along with the warring angels to do just that war and cut the serpent that is intertwined itself around the feet and the wings of the eagle pythos that is intertwined itself around the feet and the wings of the eagle attempted to squeeze and constrict it.

Until there is no life left, however, says the Lord, I have given the command from my throne, and I have dispatched the captain and the warring angels in this hour to lead you in this battle as they cut in pieces the serpent from the eagle. For I, the Lord, have taken mercy on the eagle for the sake of my children, a remnant crying out, repenting, seeking my face, a remnant crying out in the wilderness, saying, prepare ye the way of the Lord in this hour.

And a way I shall make, says the Lord of hosts, for as in the book of Esther there was a sudden change of events, as a few brave I have chosen within the kingdom for such a time as this, submitted and listened to their father in heaven, and petitioned the king, exposing the plots of the wicked Haman of Lucifer, another attempt to destroy the Jews, so the seed of my son Jesus Christ would not come forth.

That was February 25th, 2021. Cyrus is barking at the door. And I've got the doors open for the birds. Oh, my goodness gracious. Cyrus is barking at the door in the middle of all this. Okay. You hear him. Let me let him in. Let's just let Cyrus in for a minute. So he doesn't continue to bark and we have our lovely concerto going on.

Hold on Cyrus, honey. Hold on. Mommy's got to shut the birds in. Mommy has to shut the birds in.

Oh, it's Missy. Hi Missy. And Cyrus. Okay, everyone. Okay. Mommy's got to continue teaching here. Okay, they just wanted to check on mom and make sure mama was okay. June 28th, 2021. There goes Missy with a pillow. There she goes with a pillow. They will not speed up this clock. They will not skip ahead. There were secret plans to destroy this country and you have backward rainbow groups working with secret orders, working with the gates of this world.

Working with the judges of the land to the highest court to alter the country's laws, the country spiritually, the family, the mind, to place their utopia that's capitalized as the ruling body. The Lord thy God has his capital on time clock, his capital timetable, his will capitalized, and he sits on the throne capitalized, and there Is going to be some shaking, breaking and bending as the Lord pushes back and make sobering statements through his capital action to highlight the unholiest, blasphemous, perverse and corrupt actions, October 21st, 2021 and says the spirit of the Lord this day.

The serpent and the scorpion shall attempt to constrict and sting. There it is again. However, going into your new year, you shall see both the serpent and the scorpion cut into and the content of what the serpent so feasted on revealed. So beginning and going into 2022, you were going to begin to see.

What the serpent was feasting on. So that was going to be exposed, which that did start to happen in 2023. I think even more so it happened in 2023, November 4th, 2021. And says the Lord of hosts. I am issuing a warning says the Lord, for I am still capitalized. The righteous judge. I still sit on the throne and I, the Lord, thy God, and the same yesterday, today, and forever.

And says the spirit here this day, the Lord, your God is issuing a warning. This is all capitals. To the highest court in the land, this warning shall be noted this day in the book of records. Thus says the Lord, stop serving your own interest in your fallible and skewed vision of what is right and what is wrong.

What is life and where life is not human. Stop playing God and manipulating the laws of the land and aiding and abetting the most heinous of perpetrators and those with agendas that are far from roses and rainbows. But it is bitter gall, says the spirit. Here this day, O courts, O judges, this is your warning, to turn now and line up with what is Almighty God's rulings, cleanse yourselves, and abandon the unrighteous acts and transactions and acquisitions you have so done in secret to elevate yourself and secure your seats even further, for your seats are far from secure, and one shortly their seat shall be shaken, Amen.

For the courts and judges need the fear of the Lord to fill them, which is the beginning of wisdom. Do not align with the agenda of the kingdom of darkness, and do not take their temptations and indulgences and bribes that they are dangling before you, for it shall be your sentence if you so choose, says the Lord of hosts.

Choose this day whom you will serve. That was a warning back then given November 4th, 2021 to the judges of the land. And now we know why, because we see what's happening in the court system. We see all over, we see it in New York, we see it in other states. We see what's happening. He warned the Supreme Court and then he warned the courts and the judges.

In general, this warning was issued January 2nd, 2022.

Now this goes with just with with the word that was spoken. This goes with it. It was dark and there were three large, powerful demons that stood before me in the stream. They were not allowed to come near me. The first was muscular, with large horns, deep, loud voice, body like fire, and could turn into a fireball, with a, with a lion, so it would become a fireball that looked like a lion letting out a gut wrenching roar.

The two others, one was silverish, looked like armor, and then there was a third that was a dark figure, may have been wearing a cloak. The first demon with a thunderous voice boasted, as did the others, about what they were going to do in the courts. This is January 2nd, 2022. Boasted about it! What they were going to do in the courts.

Each demon represented a different issue. Some of this has to do with the Supreme Court. Some of this has to do with the lower courts. I think some of this has to do with the New York state courts as well. They represented to a mock trial, a trial that mocks. There's two thoughts to this. A mock trial is a pretend trial, right?

But a mock trial is also a trial meant to mock someone. And torment them and bully them and try to destroy them.

Yep. And it says demons represent a mock trial will operate through an attorney and one or two judges. So that's what I had written back then.

So, and then it was written, the people are going through a mock trial. And then I wrote a trial to mock the people and mock certain families. I wrote that in parentheses when I had gone back to look at this again. I added that in parentheses right now. A trial run a trial and a testing the government of the worldly order want to see how far they can go with all of this entering the time of Daniel.

I wrote this back in January 2nd, 2022, 2 days into the new year. Entering the time of Daniel, the government officials trying to persecute those that God has called and destroy them to try to take power and position. So I wrote entering the time of Daniel, Prince of Persia, type of a demon that is trying to block the United States.

So it's a type. Not that it is, but it's like the same type that's trying to block the way, that's trying to block the answer from coming, that's trying to withstand, let's put it that way. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, no compromise. 21 days, fasting and prayer with Daniel for the angel Gabriel to come, which Michael the archangel had to get involved and move the prince of Persia out of the way, so Gabriel can come and deliver the message.

That principality,

that Prince of Persia in the time of Daniel had a hold of the leadership over that entire area. That ruler of the darkness will say, because that's a higher ranking, had a hold of the leadership over the entire area in the time of Daniel. So this had to do with multiple things. It had to do with the unborn, but then it also had to do with a mock trial that would happen and a trial run.

January 2nd, 2023. The ego, the ego the ego will not hold and will deflate fast. You cannot write on a name, says the Lord. You cannot, for it is sputtering, says the Lord. It is sputtering. Supporting what I, the Lord, called the testable is a mark and a stain on you, oh leaders. Behold, I have set before you death and life, blessing and cursing.

You capital must choose which day to you must choose which path to embark down for. This is the fork in the road, says the Lord choose wisely for your future positions depend on it. Now, there was September 18th, 2021. When I spoke of that, I had heard. Red October. And then I had seen the name crimson crimson tide twice in a day, which I know both of those have to do with some marine incidents.

So watch for that in the middle of all this especially with Israel, but I heard red October and red October. Is really what happened with Israel when that horrific attack happened on them. It was October 7th. It was a red October, literally. And I heard this in 2021, September 18th, 2021, but I would still watch for some type of submarine incident or something like that to occur.

Something of it going in that direction. Let's put it that way. April 28th, 2023. And the spirit of the Lord says this day, where are the righteous judges says the Lord, where are the righteous judges? Tears in robes says the Lord tears in robes. I, the Lord of the righteous judge. I sit on the highest throne and I rule in righteousness.

And I, the Lord hold the scrolls of justice that go into the earth. And in this hour says the Lord, the judges who have met with the justice department. Behind closed doors, who have met to attempt to fix capital trials, who have met to bring indulgences before the judges in order to falsely tip their scales, before even hearing the case, those judges I, the Lord, am exposing in this hour.

Their nakedness shall be exposed, says the Lord. What they have hidden under their robes shall be exposed. Their written agreements shall be exposed to skew national cases, including a justice in the Supreme Court. That will step down in scandal, says the Lord and another shall be exonerated, says the Lord.

For in this hour, the righteous judges, those who truly hold the standard of the law will be exonerated, will be lifted up, will be honored, vindicated. Justice is coming to them in this season with the scroll of redemption and justice as well in this season. Is coming with a scroll that contains the wage for their sin for partnering and being tied by a garland and a pact in order to take down who is a threat to them that garland string and all attached to it by their finger shall be exposed and I have one last one here, April 8th, 2023.

The time is approaching where they shall be cornered as cattle and herded and branded, that's capitalized, as such. Ash shall be upon them as the head and body are cut in two. There shall be movement, but it shall be from that which is dead. It's the last reaction of the body. Now he's talking, I think, about a snake body here.

Okay, so he's talking about, I believe, You know, a serpent like body. It is the last reaction of the body as its function have been cut off. A short circuit shall you see of the enemy's grid, as the unclean scattering shall soon begin. That was April 8th, 2021. Cyrus, come here! Where'd you go? Come! What's the matter?

What do you see outside that's making you so, so upset in the middle of mommy teaching? Look at you, you look like a behemoth on camera. Look at you! No, no, no. Okay, you gonna lay down? You wanna go outside? Okay. He's gonna go do his own thing. That was the last one that was in, in the notes was April 8th, 2021 all of this ties together.

I know this is a lot of information between 2 parts, but we have to realize what's going on here with this and the. Second attempt, I will say a constricting by this spirit and others. Okay. It's working with others. It's not alone, but by this spirit working with others, it's unclean spirit, this demonic spirit working with others in this nation to try to once again, try to squeeze, okay, to try to constrict right now, it's on the, it's kind of on the move doing that.

And we're watching that happen in many areas. And I will tell you, okay. We see this physically happening as well. There are more pythons running around the state of Florida now than have ever been. In the state of Florida, there are more pythons wild that are running around than ever has. Okay. These are all physical manifestations and elements of a spiritual issue that is going on.

And it's going on in the court system. Pythos has tried to wrap itself around the scales of justice and squeeze it and tip it in the direction it wants it to go. But you know, who has the ultimate say Almighty God, because when he sends the scroll with the judgment written on it into the earth, it overrules, overrides and restrains that spirit from continuing.

It's execution from continuing its agenda, and we have to remember that, and we have to petition the throne of God to deal with this right now on the scales of justice and in the government and going into 2024, we have to petition the throne of God on this, uh, because this is An ancient spirit that God must issue judgment on.

So I just wanted to, to end with that. But if there's more comes, I definitely will share more. I pray you got a lot out of this. We are going to be putting both parts, part one and two up on the blog. And so. Praise God. Boy, were the animals just really like active in the middle of this today. Oh, my gracious.

Honestly, between the birds singing and Cyrus just running around and, and, and throwing a tantrum, you know, this is my life. This is what I deal with. We get to share it with all of you. So, Oh, thank you everyone for joining today. I'm going to put up at the end, we can put up the picture of, of Duchess on the, my pillow dog bed.

This is a picture we took of Duchess. This is one of her beds in her room. She happens to love this bed. It is a, my pillow dog bed. It is very durable, washable. It has, it has endured a lot with our animals. I will tell you that it has endured a lot. And our animals love it. So you can go to mypillow. com and use promo code ARC to save up to 66 percent or sometimes more on all my pillow products.

We want to help Mr. Mike Lindell after what happened to him with American express. And what they are trying to do to his business. We want to be a blessing to him and they make great gifts. So you could go to mypillow. com. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Okay. God bless everyone. Keep the faith. We will announce anything else I get this week.

We will announce, I will come back on. And if not, we will be back on next week, but I feel something brewing. So we might be back on before next week. I could feel it stirring in my spirit. I told Barbara this morning, I said, Barbara, I feel it stirring in my spirit. So, we'll, we'll see what happens here.

We'll see when the Lord wants to speak. But thank you everyone. Keep the faith armor up according to Ephesians chapter six, Psalm 91. I say it every single day. It takes two to three minutes. It is a powerful Psalm. It gets you in the habit of activating this, which is your sword. And it is living and active.

This is a living. that when you speak it forth out of your mouth, it goes into the realm of the spirit and it evokes change in the natural. So I encourage you to do that as well. Ephesians one and three from the believer's authority. I speak those scriptures every single day from Ephesians chapter one and Ephesians chapter three in the book, the believer's authority.

If you don't have a copy and you can't afford one, we'll be more than happy to get you one. You just go to hello at arc of grace dash ministries dot com. And we will be more than happy to get you one. So praise the Lord for that. Also reminder at the end, the word of God says, if you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth, that Jesus Christ is Lord, you shall be saved.

If you have been watching this today and you fell away from the Lord. Or you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and you feel that conviction on you to do it. You feel your shepherd, Almighty God, calling you to him, calling you back. We're going to say a simple prayer right now.

It is the starting point of your relationship with the Lord. It is the most incredible relationship you'll ever have. This is just a starting point. All relationships have a starting point. This is this. So you could say, Father God, I acknowledge that your son, Jesus Christ came to the earth and died on the cross at Calvary for my sins, that I was fallen, that I had been judged and that I was in need of a savior.

I ask you to come into my life, Lord Jesus, and come into my heart and be my Lord and savior from this day forward. I surrender my life to you in Jesus name. Wash me and cleanse me. And forgive me, Lord. Amen. And amen. If you said that for the first time, or you fell away and you are coming back to the Lord, please email us at hello at ark of grace dash ministries.

com. We'd like to help you with some things and some resources, maybe even help you find a fight a church in your area. So please email us, but it's so important to do these. It's so important for people to. To do what the word of God says and to believe in their heart and confess with their mouth. It's not what goes into a man that defiles him.

It's what comes out. And we have to remember that this is why we need to confess and we need to speak the word of the Lord, meaning the scriptures of God. We need to speak God's words and activate them. Because, because it is required of us as believers. It is required of us. So just remember that. God bless everyone.

Keep the faith. We'll be back on soon. Have a wonderful rest of your evening. Hello everyone. Amanda Grace here. So as many of you know, Dr. Mark Sherwood and Dr. Michelle Sherwood of the Functional Medical Institute are mine and Chris's doctors and so I went to Dr. Sherwood with a problem that I was seeing, not only with what I was going through but with what other women were going through concerning their metabolism, concerning energy, concerning their hormones, and so we put our heads together and we are very Happy now to finally be able to present to you Rafa for women.

Rafa means healer in Hebrew. So it is an ode to the Lord because he is our healer. He put things in the earth that help heal us. And so Rafa is a product that was created for that. It also helps. by helping with the healthy metabolism and natural hormones as well as it helps balance fatigue. It helps with weight gain, night sweats, mood swings, blood sugar issues, and more.

It is all natural and I find more and more people are going into the natural arena in order to find solutions to issues that they're going through. So if you'd like to learn more, you can go to www. arkofgrace. org forward slash ministry dash partners to learn more about Rafa today. God bless.

Hey, everyone. Amanda Grace here. If you are looking for advice. On financial matters, if you think gold and silver might be right for you, go to bh pm. com today. Andrew Sorcini of Beverly Hills Precious Metals, who has been on Arc of Grace many times and loves to answer our viewer questions, is here with his team to answer all of your gold and silver needs.

Whether you want to buy gold and silver, whether you have questions to see if it's right for you, whether you are looking to roll over retirement accounts, go to bh pm. com today, and Andrew and his team will be more than happy to assist you with all of your needs. If you want to support an amazing patriot and be a blessing, go to mypillow.

com today and use promo code ARK, A R K, to save up to 66 percent or more off of all MyPillow products. They have pillows, of course, but they are so much more than pillows. They have sheets. They have slippers. They have bathrobes. They even have dog beds. And a fun fact for all of you. Noble, one of our pigs at our animal sanctuary, has indeed slept on a MyPillow dog bed.

So if you want to be a blessing, you can go to MyPillow. com today and use promo code ARC. It is an alternative to Big Pharma. Based on quantum physics, over 40 scripture verses written into these patches. It's for everything from blood sugar, anxiety, pain, neuropathy, to immune system boost, dog pain. They are very sincere about having alternatives to Big Pharma.

We are a big advocate of natural solutions to help with pain and, and, and blood sugar and a host of other issues. I tried the pain patches and they worked when I use them. When you connect it to your body, the skin patch changes your brainwaves. This one is neuropathy. I actually have it on and we use this on Toby actually, cause Toby's about eight years old.

And from being paralyzed years ago and the Lord miraculously healing him. He has a little left over with his joints and his hips, so we actually give him the doggie pain patches. What was he doing? He was running? Oh, yeah. I mean, I walked him out, and wow, he's, boom! He got power! I said, no way! And I don't know, I said, Amanda, what?

What did you do to him? Oh So it's good


There is still so much more to unpack in this teaching, so you don’t want to miss tonight’s part 2! Amanda talks about how New York has been an epicenter, Operation Medusa to block Snake Malware, along with the role the Spirit of Pythos has played in taking prayer out of public schools, banking crises and the corruption in the White House. Tune in Nov. 16 at 6pm ET.
Music Copyright References:
-21981893-Corporate And Inspirational Cinematic Background Music (1.00 Minutes Version) by StockAudios/Pond 5
-151471022-Uplifting Inspirational Corporate by Patrick_Schlebes/Pond5
-154756307-Magic Fireflies Loop Version2(Modern And Relaxing Background) by Lesya_NZ
-123859534-Successful Product Presentation 60S - P5 by wolfgangwoehrle
Music License:
Purchase ID/Date: 7365245 / 9-29-2023
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