Former Hindu Witch Shares Her Journey From New Age to Jesus

1 year ago

Ramya shares her testimony from the new age to Jesus as a Hindu witch. She explained how she first converted to Christianity, before becoming a new-age witch and engaging in many witchcraft practices. We also went through how she got out of the new age deception. Watch until the end, it’s worth it.
#newage #jesustestimony #newagetojesus

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0:00 - Trailer
1:00 - Growing Up in a Hindu Home
11:24 - Introduction to Witchcraft
17:57 - Being Touched by a Demon
21:45 - From Hating Christians to Being Christian
34:01 - Hearing the Audible Voice of God
38:43 - Backsliding and Becoming a Witch
55:13 - Going All in for Jesus
59:57 - Life Lessons

Almost False is a podcast dedicated to telling the stories of people who might not have the platform to do so. We do our best to ensure that the stories being told on the podcast are true but it is ultimately your responsibility to judge whether or not that is the case. Any views or opinions expressed by our guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or beliefs of the Almost False Podcast. Some of the stories presented might be graphic or contain adult content. Viewers' discretion is advised.

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