What is THE TRUE BAPTISM ?... YahuShua, called Jesus The Christ, explains 🎺 Trumpet Call of God

1 year ago

Text & Audio... https://awakeningforreality.com/was-ist-die-wahre-taufe-what-is-the-true-baptism/
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What is the true Baptism ?… Let Me explain it to you

July 10, 2005 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior ­ The Word of The Lord spoken to Timothy, for a Sister in Christ, and for all Those who have Ears to hear

Thus says The Lord… Be wary of all these men in authority, who dwell in the churches of men; be vigilant. For they hold tightly to singleness of doctrine, and teach that which is built upon the knowledge and understanding of men, men who have refused to let go of that which was passed down to them by their forefathers, by which they remain blind. And be careful that you do not judge others, by that which is put forth by men as doctrine…

For judgment is reserved unto God’s seat, which is called Mercy. Therefore, here is knowledge, even the wisdom and understanding of God… Many will there be in My Kingdom, who had not been baptized in water. Rather they had been fully immersed in The Word, being enveloped in The Son’s sacrifice and love, for these have been fully baptized in The Spirit…

Assuredly I say to you, they have their reward, as do you, My precious child. For from the beginning, I have known you and loved you who was baptized with water.

So also do I love and know those without baptism by water, for they love Me as you love Me. Do not cast stumbling blocks before the feet of those who love Me… Be one in Christ.

For if you dispense the food of God to the hungry, while using your own salt to salt that which has salt in itself, will not the food you offer lose its flavor and become bitter in the mouths of those who came looking to be filled?

Therefore I say, to all those who hold baptism in such high regard, even as a measuring stick by which they count others worthy or unworthy unto God, according to their own perverse doctrine…

Whosoever God has cleansed is worthy; you shall not call them unworthy. For baptism by water was given to men as an outward testimony of one’s commitment to God, in The Christ’s name; and also for union in fellowship one to the other within the body of Christ.

So I say to you, be wary of any doctrine which steals from the power of the cross, as though the sacrifice of Messiah was not enough, lest you fall into judgment for that by which you judge. What is earthly let it stay earthly, and what is spiritual let it stay spiritual; hold not to the earthly or to the understanding of men, nor grab hold of any private interpretation of Scripture or established doctrine… Hold fast to God, by Christ.

For where, in The Commandments of God, have I written all must be baptized by men to be saved? Baptism is indeed good, if it is a confession poured out from one’s heart in pure belief, an outward act of faith revealing one’s acceptance of their forgiveness in Christ. For the water of the earth can only cleanse that which is soiled on the skin; by no means can it cleanse that which is soiled in the spirit… This is reserved for the blood of The Lamb.

Again, I say to you… Baptism by water is nothing in and of itself, unless one is first washed in The Word and baptized in The Spirit, which is and can only be received through YahuShua HaMashiach. For He alone is The Baptism, The Very Water of Life, by which all must be cleansed and receive their salvation…

Therefore, beloved, remember this… The Spirit of The Word, and not the letter, is The Way, The Truth and The Life, by which your entire life shall be cleansed in the waters from Heaven, which are and flow from YahuShua, whom you call Christ and Jesus.

For I tell you the truth, The Messiah comes quickly to baptize all in fire and glory… Those of a wicked heart, in fire…

And those of The Spirit, who have also received the love of The Truth, in glory forever and ever… Amen.

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