Back to the Future': Nostalgia Meets Now | Bleeding Edge Review #backtothefuturereview

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Strap in and fire up the flux capacitor this Friday, 12/15/23, as The MCU's Bleeding Edge takes a thrilling ride back to the '80s with a live review of the iconic "Back to the Future." This classic time travel adventure not only launched Michael J. Fox into superstardom but also left an indelible mark on pop culture, sparking two sequels and a legion of fans.

Back in the driver's seat, Co-host Cyberneticshark, fresh from selecting this cinematic gem, is ready to lead another electrifying movie review. Recovering from his first kangaroo encounter, Co-host Jeff S ($TrueKnowledge) will be taking it easy on the guest panel. Joining him are the ever-engaging Andres The Pop Culture Guy, a regular presence and fellow creator, and JJ, host of 'This Is The Life Podcast', where Jeff recently made a guest appearance (with more collaborations on the horizon).

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