Portfolio Mailing List

1 year ago

#219/260 - source date: 09/NOV/2018
Video Description (verbatim):
"The Republicans and the Democrats are going to say they have either won, or lost, but regardless the American people lost! Which politicians spoke of corruption? Any? Because they all got elected by money from the corrupt. President Trump got elected for calling out corruption and for promising to drain the swamp. He wasn’t playing politics, he was speaking to the citizens of this country who suffer every single day due to corruption. When is the last time President Trump spoke about the swamp? He is supposedly draining it! President Trump you’ve admitted recently real corruption goes untouched, so why is that? President Trump, you turned into a politician and made promises to the citizens of this country, we didn’t forget, it’s still about corruption. I have indisputable evidence including witnesses that expose the network of corruption that runs through my states politician, including our courts, even going as high as the FBI. This corruption sells protection to pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies and even drug cartel’s, what I believe to be one of the largest drug cartels ever. Aiding in the stealing of federal monies, which is partly responsible for our countries deficit. The evidence in our Portfolio is indisputable and absolute. This evidence went to every single representative's Congressman and Senator in this country, and every FBI Office. I have provided a list of the entities who have received our Portfolio and have this absolute evidence. The American people are watching. At the end of the day, politics is supposed to be about justice, let's not forget that! -

Mike Gill"

Content Creator Source: https://www.youtube.com/@StateofCorruptionNH

Mike Gill (16 Dec 2023): https://twitter.com/MikeGil21446788

Fundraiser by Todd Rostron : Assist Mike Gill for Medical and lodging expenses https://www.gofundme.com/f/assist-mike-gill-for-medical-and-lodging-expenses?

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