Pimping Kde to look like Windows 11

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Hello and welcome back. In this one I show you how to PIMP Kde to look look like Windows 11.This idea was inspired by my last video I did on Wubuntu11.
Wubuntu11 is a Linux distribution that tries to be as Windows "Like" as possible all the way down to the proprietary software and hidden server's that add's more vulnerability's to the system. They even nailed the popups and all the Windows like frustrations that come's with that Operating System. Lets not forget to mention it is based off of LinuxFX plus the same team is behind Wubuntu11. Stay tuned till the end! I briefly show Plasma 6 and unfortunately it has a ways to go before it is ready for every day use.
I'f you like these kind of videos let me know in the comments and I will do more. Plus feel free to put in requests for what you would like to see Linux based. I will see i'f I can make it happen based on my experience with Linux.

Link to DistroTubes Video On LinuxFX

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