The World Is Falling Apart Because the subjective truth bibles of men do not work!

9 months ago

What is wrong with this world? During the apostasy away from the ways of God, Satan lied to us and convinced us that the subjective truth and pseudo-science bibles of men are just as good as the God-breathed Word of God. The greatest-selling book of all time is based upon the moral standards, interpretations, righteousness, preaching, and spiritual definitions of men, who believe we are like God.

BITTER: Satan, the man of sin, the Antichrist, the second horseman of the apocalypse, rules over the kingdoms of men by pretending to be God, the Holy Spirit, a messenger of light, a lizard person, an alien on the far side of the moon or whatever to convince us that Christ does not have all authority so he could convince us that we can be like God, preach like God, give our moral opinions like God, be righteous judges like God, give to the world bibles and religions like God. Modern men, in the second apostasy 2 Thess. 2:3 do not know God, because we believe Satan was God, just as did Job in the oldest God-breathed book. For six thousand years of humanity, during the two great falls of man away from the ways of God we have had to patiently endure the suffering under the rule of Satan until the first and now the second coming of the ways of God Job; James 5:7-11. Satan lied the only faith system or gospel that works is the Lord's Isa. 55:8ff; Eph 3:20-21.

It is insanity for all of humanity to believe that we can be like God and save ourselves from ourselves. Satan, the second horseman of the apocalypse, the Antichrist, the man of sin, stole our peace and sanity Rev. 6:4 by convincing us that the subjective truth of Bibles, kingdoms, religions, and preaching of men is just as good as the supernatural objective truth from God. The promised wisdom from above is back, in these last days of the kingdoms of men. Dan. 12:4; Joel 2; Acts 2:17-21; John 8:32; James 5:7-11, etc.

What is right about this world?

THE SWEET: The promised wisdom from above is back, in these last days of the kingdoms of men. Dan. 12:4; Joel 2; Acts 2:17-21; John 8:32; James 5:7-11, etc. The Bible of Christianity (The Royal Law of Agape Love) that Christ rules over His Kingdom with, is not of private interpretation, is back in part 1 Cor. 13:9-12; Micah 7:15 (The Sword of the Spirit). In these last days of the kingdoms of men, Christ warns modern man through the second coming of the Sword of the Spirit, the wisdom from above, in part, "TRULY, I COME QUICKLY!" Rev. 22:20.

The ways of men are death Gen. 2:17, but the ways of God are life. The subjective truth Bible that Satan rules over the kingdoms of men brings suffering, and the Bible from God that He utilizes to rule over His kingdom brings happiness, blessings, peace on earth, and every spiritual blessing in Christ Rev. 1:3.

The Lord reveals to "the called out ones" point blank, "Truly, I Come Quickly!" Rev. 22:20. He also warns us to "Repent of the ways of men for the second age of the kingdom is at hand Matt. 4:17; Eph. 2:7; Matt. 7:21ff; Rev. 18:4. "Take my yoke upon you for it is light and easy bare especially compared to the ways of men." "Hear You Him!" "Only the Lord will be sanctified and glorified," The ways of God are as high as the heavens above the ways of men exceeding abundantly greater than we can imagine Isa. 55:8ff; Eph. 2:20. There is only mediator between God and man 1 Tim. 2:5. His second coming is imminent when all the wiles of Satan are edited out of the Bible, which is happening now as men contend earnestly for the one true faith. It will take 43 years as foreshadowed by the timeline of the New Testament and outlined by Christ as He describes the three woes of Christian spiritual warfare that away those who do not repent Rev. 8:1ff. Matt. 7:21ff; Rev. 18:4; Acts 17:30; etc.

I am looking for believers locally who believe that Christ has all authority, and who are like Saul at the first coming of the ways of God recognizing that we have been kicking against the pricks and that we need to start obeying the Lord and start learning how to love and protect each other with agape love, If you want to fight the good fight of faith Call me. Let's find a place where we can gather together and start prepping for the second coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord.

I will be glad to meet with those in surrounding towns, to my area, to talk about prepping. Those further away we can talk on Skype about how you can start loving one another in your community.

We will not fight against flesh and blood but against every wind of the doctrine of men.


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