Abdul - Chapter 13

10 months ago

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“Niki! Professor Mueller! Great to see you!” exclaimed Abdul, after he had hurriedly squeezed between the patrons crowded around the closely placed tables, ducked under the rainbow-colored umbrellas above them, and joined the waiting couple. “Sorry to be late. The traffic’s horrible and parking’s impossible. I should have taken the metro.”
'Abdul shook Ari’s outstretched hand, then leaned over and kissed Nicole first on one cheek, then the other.

“Wonderful you could join us, Abdy,” said Niki with a happy smile. “It’s been too long.”

Ari motioned toward an extra chair he had pulled up to the small table. “Sit down and relax—we’ve got all evening. At least you and I have. Niki has to be at the hospital in an hour.”

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