Faces of Metro: A glimpse into the various reasons Tri-Staters ride the bus

7 years ago

Roughly 10 percent of Tri-Staters who don't use a car to commute or run errands, according to U.S. Census data. roughly 15-16 million rides taken on Cincinnati Metro each year. While Moses' disability is what started him using the bus, the reasons people ride the bus vary widely -- whether it's ability- or economically driven, a matter of practicality or a lifestyle choice. Often, the different reasons for taking the bus come with equally varying benefits and challenges. With Metro facing a budget gap in 2018 and coping with an aging fleet, WCPO decided to take a look at those who use the bus and why to illustrate its importance. We profiled four Metro users from across Hamilton County, from varying neighborhoods and walks of life. Here's what we found:

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