15Dec23 NDAA & Sec 702 — Weapons of War Abroad Now Instruments of Tyranny (and Betrayal) at Home

1 year ago

NDAA, 702 — Betrayal of America Why is a TRILLION budget "must pass"?  The Pentagon fails ALL audits and no one cares.  They fail in war as well.  But do you realize how badly the Constitution and the American people were betrayed in the re-authorization of mass surveillance.  What were the political games played to do it and who is responsible?
(28:33) Which is worse — the silly Satanic Temple display in the Iowa Capitol, or the death, corruption and depravity on full display in the US Capitol and the Pentagon?
(39:53) Mitch McConnell fought Josh Hawley on compensating people the military exposed to nuclear contamination.  THAT is how much the establishment hates us
(46:42) House voted for formalized impeachment inquiry of Biden.  A meaningless dog & pony show to distract MAGA base from the NDAA/702 betrayal
(48:39) Ramaswamy on CNN says Jan6 was "entrapment".  CNN reporter doesn't know what he's talking about — do you?  But Ramaswamy will not mention "he who must not be named".  He'll go only so far, and no further

(1:00:58) In new poll, 1 in 5 people who voted by mail in 2020 did so fraudulently.  Who knew?
(1:02:25) Has another "George Santos" surfaced in Ohio, lying about his military service?  Who cares?  Only thing that matters is if he endorses Trump and Trump endorses him
(1:12:05) Listener comments, questions
(1:16:20) Dems Scheming of a No-Whites Christmas The unabashed racism of Wu, the "bizarre, freaky, garbage" of Jill's White House video — and the imaginary nostalgia about Melania Trump who was NOT the wholesome, traditional First Lady MAGA wants to pretend she was
(1:28:42) Nostradamus — How'd He Do on His Predictions? Everyone is imagining Nostradamus' 2024 predictions.  So why doesn't anyone ever look back on how "his predictions" for 2023 turned out?  Here's why
(1:50:30) Australia leads the charge to go cashless — fees and other disincentives so they can say they didn't "mandate" cashless or "ban" cash
(2:00:00) INTERVIEW Cold WorldWar — When Will It Go Hot? Gerald Celente, TrendsJournal.com, the rush to war is as much a CYA operation as it is a CIA operation.  Also, economics, elections, gold, and more…

For 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to TrendsJournal.com and enter the code KNIGHT

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