Zee Vest Is Kaputt...And Zee Church Is Not Helping!

1 year ago

Unfortunately, the advent of A.I. has only accelerated and played into the hands of the satan as a tool used for deception, not only to the masses, but also within the church. There's no real way of knowing how many pastors or teachers are using this tool as a means to produce sermons or classes. Even if used for outline purposes.

How does this all play into the purposeful dismantling of the West, of America? In all due honesty, the church has not helped in combating the deception that is coming at us from all sides. If anything, there's much deception coming from the pulpits of the West and America alike.

Where is this all leading to? And what is the churches role in all of this? Well, Pastor Brandon and I sit down to talk about this very issue.

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I am Pastor Brandon Holthaus, and I want to welcome you to Rock Harbor Church’s Channel. Our mission is to reach people with the truth; believers and unbelievers alike. We connect dots of events that are happening in the world from a Biblical perspective and also a prophetic perspective.

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