Dem Rep. Swalwell Says Biden 'United The Country' (Judging From Polling Maybe He's Right)

9 months ago

According to most Democrats (with help from the national media of course), Republicans are trying to impeach President Biden for the crime of loving his troubled son. In reality, the damning material the House Oversight Committee Republicans have been releasing tells a very different story. Dem Rep. Eric Swalwell is now claiming the Republicans want to impeach Biden because he's a decent person who has united the country (beverage warning): Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell, in a fit of delusion, says the Biden impeachment inquiry is "sick and perverse" because he sees "a good and decent man in Joe Biden, who united the country."

HAHA! Oh wait, he's being serious? Look at the photo at the top of this page for another example of what a great "uniter" Biden has been. And a "sick and perverse" allegation about Republicans from the guy who earlier this week was standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Hunter Biden is rich indeed. But in fairness to Rep. Swalwell, President Biden and "Bidenomics" have united a great many Americans when it comes to wanting no more of the Biden administration: Biden’s approval rating falls to just 33%: poll -- Just look at all this unity: President Biden’s job approval rating has plunged to a measly 33%, according to a Pew Research Center poll released Thursday. The dismal rating is the lowest that Pew Research has measured since Biden, 81, took office and represents a 2 point drop since the organization’s last approval survey in June.

• More at: Twitchy - Dem Rep. Swalwell Says Biden 'United the Country' (Judging From This Poll Maybe He's Right)

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