Rhema Nov 23, 2023 🎺 God is Spirit and Love, He is also The Truth… Don’t deceive yourself!

1 year ago

Text & Audio... https://awakeningforreality.com/gott-ist-geist-und-liebe-god-is-spirit-and-love/
EBook... https://awakeningforreality.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Ebook-Trumpet-Call-of-God-Version-2021-10.pdf
Channel Overview... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2022/10/16/kanalubersicht-channel-overview/
Video Playlist Trumpet Call of God... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL73-eEs6JmCtgpDObQGYXYIo7HBgwnrGu
Endtime-Prophecies... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL73-eEs6JmCvqoP8fdADZdKJ--VYSyaHQ
Final Warnings from Jesus... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2019/11/15/warnungen-von-gott-jesus-jehova-zebaoth-warnings-from-god-jesus-jehovah-zebaoth/
Trumpet Call of God in various Languages... https://awakeningforreality.com
Personal Word from the Lord... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/my-rhema/
Source... Official Website in englisch... http://www.trumpetcallofgodonline.com

God is Spirit and Love, He is also The Truth… Don’t deceive yourself!

November 21, 2005 – A Letter from Timothy, for all Those who have Ears to hear

Remember this, when reading the Word of God, in the Bible or in the Letters… God is spirit… And The Father and The Son are One. Thus only those who love and obey The Son receive of His spirit.

So then, faith is spiritual, being spiritually received as a gift, because of the Truth we have accepted. The Truth is also spiritual, because it can only be understood and received by The Spirit, according to the will of God. This very understanding is also given by God, and therefore, is spiritual as well. No one can have anything unless God gives it. Human power and understanding is of no use at all and is earthly. What God gives is spiritual, and must be discerned in a spiritual way.

Earthly understanding resists the Truth. So all those, who seek to understand it through earthly wisdom, will doubt.

Because that which God offers must be received spiritually, in humbleness and complete abandonment of oneself before God. To offer ourselves before God, in YahuShua’s name, as a confession of the sin within us, is the way into life, because that offering is met with love and forgiveness, proven by The Messiah’s death and resurrection. In this same way, we and our life as it was must die, and we must be reborn in The Spirit. We are first born of human parents by water and blood.

To enter the Kingdom of Heaven, we must be born again, spiritually, by water (YahuShua), blood (His sacrifice), and spirit (The Holy Spirit). In our acceptance of the three will we come into the knowledge leading to eternal life. When these three are truly received into our hearts, the process is not yet finished…

When we have received of God’s Spirit, we must now listen to what The Spirit is saying to our heart, and obey… For everyone, who trusts and loves The Lord, will obey…

The perfect love of God is established in us, through obedience, leading those around us into the Truth by our example. The greatest testament to that love, now within us, is shown to others not by our words but by our example.

I ask you… Do your life and your ways reflect the Truth, you say is in your heart? Though that, which you have accepted, is spiritual, it must be shown to others in an earthly way, because they can not yet understand that which is spiritually discerned. Show those you love, show God at work in your life, by making your life a shining example, bright and pure…

This will open the hearts of those we love in time. All things, that are not acceptable before God, must be overcome in our life. This is our reasonable duty as servants of God, because He first overcame our sins and our death, by the death and resurrection of His Only Begotten Son.

No one can come to The Father unless He first draws them. And when drawn, they come to The Messiah, for He is The Way to The Father… And all those drawn must strive to live by, and walk in, the ways of Him who has saved them.

This is how you will know if The Spirit resides in you… All those, fully converted in their hearts, will come to see the world as a foreigner in a strange land. This is the beginning sign of the division in yourself, and is also the beginning of your separation from the world… Ending in your complete separation from this world, being united with The Messiah in Heaven.

Blessed is the man or woman, who has received salvation, by grace, through faith… Even more blessed is the man or woman, who has shared their faith and led another into salvation… They shall cover a multitude of sins… So let us all be doers of The Word, and not just hearers.

Those, who only hear The Word and abide, assuredly, they have their reward, for they had abided in The Messiah. But even they, who abide in Messiah, are doers, because one can not abide in the Truth if one’s life is not clean and purified because of Him who has cleansed us.

As the five virgins, in Matthew 25, were left standing outside, saying, ‚Lord, Lord, open to us!‘ – The Lord said He did not know them, because their mere proclamation of faith was not enough…

Faith without works is dead… And likewise, works done without faith are also dead. So then, even more blessed are those, who do what they have heard, for these live by faith… And by their doings, and by their example, will many be led to Salvation.

Do you also wish to be part of the Trumpet Call?… You already are. I have been chosen as the watchman, and the trumpet God placed in my hands are these very Letters from God and His Christ. But these were only made manifest, because God had first put His voice in me. So then, I am only God’s vessel and messenger, His servant who must obey. So all those, who receive God’s message I have delivered, to them it is a gift. And to all those, who will not receive His words, to them it has become a warning. I have, and will continue, to trumpet God’s message.

In this same way, if you shared what I have shared with you, you also become that trumpet. We are called to trumpet His message. If we don’t, it is on our heads, for we know the Truth of salvation and must share it with those who are drowning in this world. If we sit idly by, and do nothing, it will fall on our heads, having become unequally yoked, being held accountable for our sin equal to those for whom our message was intended.

I credit all to God. Although we are all servants of God, because of the position He has appointed unto me, it is important for everyone to heed my words, because they are not my own… They are The Lord’s. Know this… We are all servants, serving either God or the devil. We can not serve two masters.

Even when people deceive themselves into thinking they serve neither, by default they serve the devil. For not to serve and obey God is sin. And the devil is the very father of sin, being the first to disobey and turn from Him who had created him.

God’s sword is coming!… It shall come upon the whole world very soon… And with it will He send another Sword, when it is nearly finished. And by this Sword will all be done, and come to its conclusion, as it was written. For in this Sword is there two edges, sharp and gleaming… One side slaying us in our hearts unto life; and the other side slaying, unto death.

All who would come against the King of kings and Lord of lords, who followed after the ‚abomination who causes desolation‘. These, who follow the antichrist in that Day, will be destroyed and cast asunder, driven through by the sword of The Messiah’s mouth and the brightness of His coming… For it is He who carries the sharp, double-edged sword, which proceeds from His mouth. All glory and power and dominion to YahuShua (Jesus), our Lord, forever and ever… Amen.

Let us worship God as He really is… God is spirit… Let us worship through Him, whom God has sent, for He is that Spirit called Holy and True… Life Without End… Amen.

As it is written in John 4:23-24… But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.

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