Dr. Robert Malone: "Instead of informed consent...we were given a series of lies."

1 year ago

Full testimony: https://rumble.com/v41dntb-robert-w-malone-md-expert-testimony-at-mp-andrew-bridgen-in-the-uk-parliame.html?mref=1bxo9j&mc=69gy3
Dr. Robert Malone: "Instead of informed consent about the truth of these products ... we were given a series of lies."

Lie #1 -The COVID vaccines are "safe and effective," a repeated slogan @RWMaloneMD calls propaganda.

Lie #2 -The contents of the COVID shots stay in the arm. "They knew that these products deployed all throughout the body," said Dr. Malone.

Lie #3 - mRNA lasts in the body for a short period of time. "We now know that these products remain in your body and remain biologically active for an undetermined period of time, of at least weeks and probably months; another lie," rebuked Dr. Malone.

Lie #4 - "No one will be safe until everyone is vaccinated." Pfizer admitted to MEP Rob Roos that they never tested if the jab stopped transmission.

Dr. Malone expressed that this series of falsehoods was employed to justify the use of experimental products with high-profit margins. These products aimed to show the safety and efficacy of a vaccine platform technology (mRNA), which could then be applied for additional purposes.

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