The Day Israel Attacked USS Liberty "Dead In The Water" (BBC Documentary 2002)

1 year ago

USS Liberty Dead In The Water (BBC Documentary 2002)
There were 34 KIA and 174 WIA.
On June 8th, 1965, during the Six-Day War,
Israel attacked and nearly sank the USS Liberty a technical research ship
(spy ship), belonging to its closest ally, the USA.
Thirty-four American servicemen were killed(KIA) and over 174 wounded(WIA)
in the two-hour assault by Israeli warplanes and torpedo boats.

Israel claimed that the whole affair had been a tragic accident
based on mistaken identification of the ship.

The American government accepted the explanation.
For more than 30 years many people have disbelieved the official explanation
but have been unable to rebut it convincingly.

Now, "Dead in the Water" uses startling new evidence
to reveal the truth behind the seemingly inexplicable attack.
The film combines dramatic reconstruction of the events,
with new access to former officers in the US and Israeli armed forces
and intelligence services who have decided to give their own version of events.

Interviews include President Lyndon Johnson's Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara,
former head of the Israeli navy, Admiral Shlomo Errell,
and members of the USS Liberty crew.

Listen to USS Liberty survivor, Phil Tourney's radio program,
"Your Voice Counts", Saturdays at 7PM EST on the Republic Broadcasting Network

Phil's book, "What I Saw That Day" which gives a survivor's view of what happened

Political commentary by James Morris
Wake Up America! Your Government Has Been Hijacked By Zionism

Johnson Admin Foreign Department Communications for the Six Days War:

NSA USS Liberty Documents:

CIA Documents:

"Attack On The USS Liberty":

USS Liberty Attacked by Israel, 2001 News Report

Survivors Testimonies:
• Jocko Podcast 327: Attack on The USS Liberty w/ Phil Tourney, Larry Bowen, Joe Meadors.

• Attack on the USS Liberty

49 Years On, Still No “Explanation” for USS Liberty Attack

Beyond Treason Reflections on the Cover-up of the June 1967 Israeli Attack on the USS Liberty an American Spy Ship Paperback – Aug. 31 2012
by Robert J Allen JD (Author)
The simple fact is that they admitted it. They had to after being caught red handed.
The evidence did not sink to the bottom of the Mediterranean and there were witnesses.
The Israeli government admitted to the June 8, 1967 attack by Israeli Defense Forces
on the American "spy" ship USS Liberty.
The Liberty was a SIGINT or signals intelligence gathering ship.
In that attack, on an American ship in the Eastern Mediterranean,
34 military personnel including a civilian crew-member were killed,
and 175 were wounded, with enough damage to the ship to end her useful service life.
Among the 34 dead, 33 were naval personnel
and one was a civilian employee of the National Security Agency, the NSA.
The ship had a crew compliment of 290 officers and men including three civilian linguists.

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