SJC repeatedly maces a man on a bike after he addresses him aggressively

1 year ago

Youtube and Kick livestreamer Scuffed Justin Carrey berates his lunch date on a sunny day in Los Angeles on approximately the 15th of August in 2022. He continually sticks his phone in her face and loudly talks about her supposedly ripping him off on the lunch they just had. She eventually snaps and pushes his phone away from her and it falls on the ground. Justin then starts passively threatening to hit her saying things like "chat should I smack her in the face right now?" "my chat is saying I should".

Soon a passerby overhears and makes a comment which SJC doesn't like and then macing and running ensues.

3:50 The moments leading up to the first macing of the man on the bike
7:10 The same man returns and Justin maces him again

Following the events seen here, Justin came home and shaved his beard and changed his shirt before heading out again to try look for the woman.

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