Cabal Censorship Organizations Facing Lawsuits From Conservative Leaning Platforms

1 year ago

Cabal Censorship Organizations Facing Lawsuits From Conservative Leaning Platforms
Move Over Biden! Something FAR WORSE Is About To Demolish The Democrats!
December 14, 2023
Restricted Republic
My Comments to Lisa Haven:
You really need to put the Right vs Left paradigm aside Lisa. The Puppet Masters Control Both sides. The Liberal and RINO Operatives merely represent opposite sides of the same coin. While the other Law Suits may have some credibility, Elon Musk is 100% Cabal Owned.
You do not get to be the Biggest Military Industrial Complex Contractor unless you are an Asset. NASA Operations were Privatized and handed over to Elon Musk. His Space Capabilities are extremely inefficient compared to what NASA was capable of. Why would they do that? Can you say Deep State Control and Embezzlement? You can be Damn well Certain that Elon Musk doesn't really get to keep all of that money. Do you really think they would give a Private Corporation like STARLINK all of those Satellites unless THEY Controlled Them? Not
There was a good reason a WEF Agent was placed as the Twitter X CEO. Every conflict Elon Musk takes part in is all Staged to TRICK Conservatives and Patriots into Trusting Him. They are all Psyops. And unfortunately far too many good Patriots are falling for the Deception Hook, Line and Sinker. Do Not Trust Elon Musk. His coming X Everything App is the True Beast System Incarnate.
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