Yocal Idaho Midweek Report #1

1 year ago

Thank you for listening to the episode of the podcast. I hope you enjoyed it. Please email me at localyocalidaho2022@gmail.com or tweet me @LocalYocalIdaho on X for any feedback and encouragement. I hope you enjoyed it and have an excellent rest of your week.

00:00 Introduction
00:48 Kellogg High School's Unique Toss: A Community Effort to Keep Kids Warm
02:05 Bonneville County Welcomes New Magistrate Judges
03:38 Recount Requested for Caldwell’s Fire Bond Vote
05:11 Fire Breaks Out at West Overland Road Walmart
06:08 Bonneville County Welcomes New Magistrate Judges
07:50 Nampa's Growth Continues with the Lakeview Neighborhood Development
09:33 Idaho's Water Infrastructure Gets a $331,741 Lift
10:58 Idaho’s Cyberattacks Concerns Rise
12:26 Idaho's LUMA System: A $32 Million Mistake

I am usually not able to fit everything in the description. It has a 4000 limit. So, I made a Google doc with all the links for the topics discussed in the podcast.

Music in this Episode:
Let Us Run For It by The Denotes | https://thedenotes.bandcamp.com
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Creative Commons / Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)

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