Behind the Scenes: Working With Law Enforcement to Take Predators Down

1 year ago

Have you watched our FREE documentary CONTRALAND yet?

Get a glimpse into our counter-trafficking operations with local and federal law enforcement, and watch the bad guys get put away!!🔒

Watch the full documentary on to learn the truth about child trafficking in the USA, who and what is behind it, and what we're doing to expose and eradicate it! 🔗

ActionReady #BehindTheScenes #JusticeInProgress #LawEnforcement #Preparedness ##VetsForChildRescue #Contraland #UndercoverOps #EndHumanTrafficking #OpenYourEyes #BreakTheSilence #EndChildExploitation #SeeTheTruth #TimeForAction #StopChildTrafficking #RaiseAwareness #ProtectOurChildren #SpeakUp #TogetherAgainstTrafficking #RealityCheck #EmpowerChange #DemandAccountability #ActNow #BeTheVoice

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