How new was the New World?

1 year ago

The story is based on the information from the book “Forgotten Founders” by Bruce E. Johansen (­Founders­American­Indian­Democracy/dp/0916782905) and it describes an almost ideal social structure WITHIN the Iroquois Federation.
This is what impressed the Founding Fathers like Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, among others, the separation of powers to make the domination of any one member nation the dominant power of the rest, ie. the Federal Government we presently have.
The story is not meant to romanticize all Native American tribes. Their actions against warring enemy tribes was just as cruel and barbaric as any other tribe, including white, but interestingly, they left the door open to any of the warring tribe to join the Federation if they would commit to follow The Great Law of Peace.

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Bob Ocegueda

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