Answers Part II to Questions I have Directed Towards Pastors, Evangelists, etc. and YOU!

9 months ago

I am now giving the answers to those questions and comments I directed to pastors, missionaries, evangelists, teachers, etc. I take on four more questions in this part II, and I ended up with doing a little 'preaching' this time around. It is really hard for me to not get out all my guns and let 'er rip as I bring back my preaching days about such things.

We look at:
1) When, Who and How did the Great Commission get its start in America?
2) Do you think Following Paul would 'kill' your local church, like an evangelist once told me?
3) If we can't use the Great Commission for the basis for a missions program, does one exist for following Paul and taking his gospel to the mission field?
4) Why do you pastors NOT tell your people to follow Paul?

My answer to number four is where I tend to 'lengthen' my comments as I tell the pastors what their problems are and why they are so afraid of Paul. One of the answers is where I expose how a 'well-known' junkyard dog actually changed one word in a King James Bible to justify his attack on hypers. I will be doing a separate presentation on Galatians 2:7 to how that pastor strayed away from the King James Bible - and now his followers are afraid of following Paul. He is (was) a member of the 'Kill Paul' conspiracy that is found in Acts 23:12 (More on that in the next presentation on Galatians 2:7 - coming soon).

If you want the audio of this part II or if you want to download the actual presentation for your own study use, then visit my website at - and for more presentations and sermons and bible studies...

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