Pater Deism - Philosophy of Weimar Germany by Carl Schmitt

1 year ago

Political Theology is an archeo-concept, with its origins traceable to the era of the first Holy King of the West, Imperator Augustus. His title, "Augustus," symbolized his divine mandate. From the worship of the Invincible Solar God to the contemporary manifestations of State Spirits Geist and the holy constitutions of America, there arises a necessity for a particular figure, a god-man, to interpret the sacred texts within these contexts, aka the Pope or pontifex. The inquiry into the true genesis of such a political theology, which profoundly influenced American society, beckons.

The Constitutional Fundamentalist movement, which has persisted since the 1970s, narrates a recurring tale reminiscent of the one recounted by the Iranian King of Kings, Ashoka—the avatar of Buddha—and modern-day defenders of constitutions, the shieldmaidens of the Code Napoléon. Time, it seems, has not brought about substantial change, and the truth has been unveiled on numerous occasions. In this discourse, the aim is to rekindle Carl Schmitt's interpretation of these historical and ideological phenomena.

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