Whitney Webb - How a Cyberattack Could Help Manufacture Consent for Digital ID

10 months ago

If you're not familiar with Whitney Webb, you are about to be.

She is very meticulous in being sure any information she shares is spot on - if she has ever had to retract something, we have never heard her do so.

If you aren't following her, we HIGHLY recommend you do - and do so closely...

She has recently joined Redacted with Clayton and Natalie Norris (another highly recommended course to follow) to discuss her findings on recent and possibly planned cyberattacks.

"What this public-private partnership at the WEF is pushing for is for every person's access to the Internet to be tied to a Digital ID...And the goal of that, of course, is if your ID is linked to your Internet access, intelligence agencies know exactly what media you are consuming in terms of what you read and also what you post online.

"That has been the goal for a very long time. People aren't necessarily going to consent to that unless they are made to believe that anonymity and privacy online are dangerous. So how exactly can you convince people that that needs to happen?

"Well, you have some sort of event where anonymous hackers do something online that causes major disruption globally, and then the consent can be manufactured through fear and panic, as is often done."

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