Your ( My ) Life Mission Two Years From Now: Imagine it!

1 year ago

I set out to see my life in two years from now: 2025- inspiring you to do similar.

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I enter my ‘soul room’ and a part of myself volunteers to give me my vision: dressed in Empire-style (1790’s to 1820’s Pompadour died in 1864, aged just 42; this seems to be her post death self….in the newer style of fashion!)

envision your LIFEThe past, always influences the future in many places . You have windows open in your past, which will come forward and bring information. I am one of those a little window, a little, ‘Antoinette’ (but I’m not an Antoinette,) but someone of that time. Yes Pompadour, I was sometimes used as that name: clever, intelligent, difficult. I am going to talk about your future, your soon near future because What you are going to create is what I wanted And had no clue of how to do in that time.
What you are looking for, is something complex and simple, I will explain. Complex in the alignment of skills. and intelligences being used. simple in the ‘feel’. The offering: you will be a place, a person to which people come. Come gently to find something. What are they coming to find? themselves, solace and peace. they come to have their voice opened. they come to have their mind opened. to be connected to the spirit, which is their leading guiding light– a little unsure still, and they come for the permission, they come for the love and the fun, and the excitement and the joy, and the discovery.

Some come for the healing, you will have different peoples to work with. You have those who are on their journey of extraordinary discovery and unfolding creativity, and working with nature. Absolutely!– Working with the natural elements, working with the natural elements of a human being.– Caring for the children, caring for the elderly, caring for the family, the nurture. Always this feminine principle at work, systemically. these will be those who have stories and information from other systems they have used and gathered. But there will also be those who are understanding the need to reroute a lot of the mind, a lot of the heart, a lot of the experience, because much of that, ‘terroir’, as it could be named, – the environment of information, was upside down, Topsy, Turvey. And now that we are turning things into a value of true human quality, true, human value, divine value. – The connective experience of source energy through the experience of the human, in relationship to the animals to the plants to the minerals. Now that we are reframing, this is its purity again. ( that does not mean in any lack of joy: purity is a very deep thing. Far deeper and greater and wider and full of hilarity, I can promise you that ). but now we are defining that, there will be many who have had massively pure, beautiful, good intentions, but have been caught up in networks of systems. And as we start to understand the crumbling, the division of the inauthentic qualities of many things, and we search and reach towards the authentic. And you will be just giving permission slips, having conversations, reflecting back onto them, having fun, joy, playing, making games and systems, inspiration, intuition. And that will be that will be that extraordinary body of humans, who are excited, excited to take what they know further and run.
and then there are others two:
let us talk about your family: the family will be in the heart, because the family must be fed first, before others can be. Because you and your family feed into each other, the nurturing system of (breathing out heavily), it’s a flux, it’s a flow of energy. And it supports, informs, expands, you, and your beloved And your family, as it creates an atmosphere And energetic framework for all these other possibilities.
You’re going to go in there and explore, I will talk to you about that.
Let us just look over here, ( pointing to my left ), this is the other place : the other extreme, which is absolutely connected to this ( pointing to the right hand side about which I have just received the explanation), these are the seekers, movers, changes, finders, implementers. Now we have these people.( pointing to my left once more ). And who are these people, these are the innocents: those have been harmed, those who have been locked up within themselves, locked up and caught in systems -in terrible nightmares. These are the ones you will calm and soothe and comfort. Enable them to separate their spirit from the experience: the experience will go there, (pointing forward), to be looked at eventually, the spirit occupying the body will be here, (pointing to the other direction), and you will enable and help this to happen.
And when the experience can be put to one side, and eventually looked at , this spirit within the body will find its peace And from the peace, the creativity will begin to come through as the spirit is able to stay in the body more. More of the creativity, which is the soul speaking, will be able to come into the buddies. And you will have very specifically prepared environments for these people – children mostly, teenagers, too, younger adults. And they will need a very rich refined sensitive environment in which to soothe, in which to allow their spirit to come back in to their body. To refine the experience of being in a body in safety and security, in a sense of peace and trust. And then you’ll have beautiful, (it has to be very beautiful), situations for them to come and touch and experience, to open, to open up so that they can start to allow their spirit into the world in a delicate, tender way.
it doesn’t mean all of it will be delicate and tender, a lot of this situation will require a massive evacuation of the invading experience, and that is done through energy work, it is done physically very often. You know, you use your voice, it will be done through sound yes beautiful making sound, making sound from the body, making other sound stop movement, there is so much kind of movement there is the harsh movement the whoosh. There will be the gentle, fluid fine. Refined movement, and that can be in both are kind of kung fu -like fighting experience, or a dance experience– the kind of flow that you find in a lot of the eastern traditions, which enables energy to move through.

So there will be all kinds of Repair, bringing a spirit back into a body bringing a state of inner piece, so that the experience and the self can be seen as almost 2 elements. So that the person who was dead to the world., Crushed beyond belief, can be brought back gently into it. And then when they begin piece by piece to be able to find the language of addressing the world again, eventually they will go back and take some from their experience, and be strong and become teachers and nurturers of others. but to start with, they must build back a life– almost turning something porcelain back into a living, breathing being again. That will be a beautiful occupation. And that will need extensive, extraordinary situation: physical, environmentally, beautifully rich, full of nature, but also sensitive humans to work with gifted and other nurturing systems.

12.42 so that is there, and then there are the ones who wish to bring this wise, nurturing way of teaching into the world. So we have these two arms. Now, let us look at your family.
(chuckling) you know your man will always be on the move– what a man that is, hmmm?! Always on the move. And you must go with him sometimes. He won’t always like that,( chuckle.). but you must, because you need those adventures to to see. what is up to – when I say that, I don’t mean check on him, I mean, see him at work. hyphen experiencing him. That feeds you. and it feeds your love too. So sometimes there will be that, you will be with him., And also, because he will be around places– many, so many, that you will want to spend the time with him. So you must give yourself these times.
Let us look at your family at home. There will be flights, there will be flights for those of you who already exist on the planet. Your children and their families. I will be visits, there will be accommodations: think of The idea of the treehouse ha ha in the garden– it will be occupied by varying visiting…(I have three children, so that is quite dynamic– each with their own partners and family.) and there will be that: your own nest..

And in the nest, you will have helpers think you will, because you will be working with these other groups too you will need to bring in helpers, who work sent two, but also work to support you and your family. Some of the everyday tasks some of them. But you will be there, as a place of ‘setting the tone’, providing experiential avenues of love and nurture your own. And there is a chance, there is a chance there may be two children. That is a chance. That would be a blessed chance. It would be a blessed chance indeed let us look at that. Aaah! I see my daughter with her little brother on her knee – unexpected. She is used to her little niece.
Yes. It must be about bringing in more love for all. Always that. How do you get the love in a family?
When you don’t practice scarcity of anything, when there’s an openness And openness of communication, which means you say what you feel, and you’re not afraid of it Stop, you keep saying what you feel, and you’re not afraid of it You keep giving that – allowing, and you invite And you intend.

16 .48 it is that the layers and layers of experience invested into a place build a framework of energy. (I just see a heart.) if the home is a heart. a multidimensional one. and it is a bubble encapsulating an energy field., And it expands, and can be felt from afar, that is a beautiful place to be in and visit, immerse yourself in. Just like we all like to go into a hot tub, or a warm ocean, or into the Sun and lie; that experience of immersion is a heaven sent thing. and the bliss of a family to be.
I had a strange family, but I also always had a wider expansion of feeling of what family could be. We had many visitors in my house as a child., From all over the world: every skin colour Every race, every religion I think Come to our house. I had Great wide experience of humanity as a child. And they all felt like they were family; that is how I was there with them this inclusion – you must, of course, find privacy that is important for intimacy, too, – and, in a way, there are, not rules, but there are - it’s the principle of authenticity: if something is too much, you say it. if something is edging away from good, you say it, you catch it. which has gone too far, and it is always a dynamic process but to create a place, which is holding so much love, that those within it feeling empowered, and can bon up and blossom in themselves. – The children. in your family, all ages– that is a beacon. And many years ago. created a speaking house, it was an image of a house that spoke to me. And the house itself designed itself by speaking to me. It was a story I created. And I saw it as a place that people would come to to experience that atmosphere of. Extension of self, expansion of self. That is still very much within me. And all the systems I know and love– I am a plantswoman, because I studied landscape architecture And I studied it because I love natural systems– I love the beauty of nature, too, and the diversity And extraordinary richness, I love the aesthetics I am an artist Cause I love colour – and I wanted to represent things I saw and felt– so I am an artist, and I encourage that in all do. I am a writer because I Can’t help, but find ways to express that which I feel And information coming through me. Now of course., Because I talk a lot more in the videos than writing I am sure I will get back to finish my other book., And my musical, of course that I am writing. - it is on a little pause at the moment, I might go back to that soon. There are all these skills, and of course the real thing is the people. – That is the skill of the healing of the soul connection to the body. and that I have learnt, and taught and experienced over the Yes, and the decades of my Life, through various things: through being a singer, songwriter, a dancer, then being a teacher of all these things.– Finding the delight of the emotional highways and byways. of using acting, role-playing as extension of the creativity and the imagination, and discovering facets of oneself, using seemingly abstract aspects of character to access something which has been dormant or damaged. Acting is an extraordinary tool for all kinds of things, you can Build somebody up from a small seed, and you do it by allowing them to lead, and then you encourage the lead – that is called the ‘prepared environment’ on the emotional level.
81.21 it is a beautiful thing to do. And it is not only our minds which need to awaken into open is it ?it’s our allowance that we are is plugged in pieces of source energy. having this experience with a body, which has a mind. it has Arms, it has legs, it has all the breathing apparatus, it has the touchy-feely, all the senses. And, what a shame it would be, if we did not know how to use all those senses.– And that is all the physical ones, and then all the spirit ones. bringing in as much of the spirit information and capacity as possible. into this life. in creative ways for ourselves, our own experience of richness of life. And of course, as we do that, she’s a sharing, isn’t it. It is a bringing in or something new into the world, into the environment., And that is the true meaning of life here. If you can be a cultivator, a repairer, a nurturer. bringing always, new, and inventing, you can be an encourager – that is part of the nurturing discovery, – the inspire. There are many many aspects.
What we have come away from, is the hoarder. Because all of that is the scarcity– these are all people who have no true connection to their source energy. Source energy is infinite. Living that way, even in this strange climate that we are still in right now in 2023, December. – You could say it is a time of scarcity, because of all that we see. on the world playing field. But if you live in your spirit, you go to the supermarket like I did today with £20 in your pocket, because I want to keep some money aside for something special, so I just wanted to use tiny amounts of money, a small as I can at the moment, to get what I need for my food and I found things that I wanted – love organic food as always, I don’t compromise. I give myself good things. And then I was given Care and attention as I paid for it, and I was given bits of money through the way that this man at the Tyll worked my good through the system. So, I was rich, because I am! I move through with this abundant spirit, and even if it is a scarcity network, I am existing in, it can’t be anything other than abundant coming towards me. that is just the beginning of where we are heading.

The world is moving and leaving that departure from spirit. That separation is happening so very strongly now.
24.24 now is the time to start on earth your dreams.– Your big dreams, blow them big!
I know I have.

You know when you have dreams and ideas, which don’t lead leave you for decades– I am 52, almost, and things that I love now I want now, I wanted when I was 15 I wanted it for the world. – Probably earlier really. But it was more abstract then. and when things keep for that long and keep expanding, you know that there is a vision within you.

My vision is ready to be part of this upliftment, this expansion of our human souls
You can speak to anyone if you speak to their spirit, to their soul, and you can live on something, you can awaken something in them, encourage something in them. Imagine if we could reach millions of people and give then that self love again, give them that spark of” oh I love to do that! I am going to do it, I don’t know where to start, but I am Going to start”?!
And there are now patterns And systems and structures which are good, and I can start to work with them, and make for my own. Build onto Them from my own unique, individual soul structure.

26.07 We could be that: the seeders. The seed -sowers, the nurturers of the human beings again. That is the sovereign, so we talk about isn’t it? And it is the allowing each human blossom. Now, that is not a small thing is it. Okay? – That is what I like to do., And I am going to be doing it
My life, my family will be the first place of call for that. As I said, imagine a three-dimensional heart which, within it is a home– that would be a very powerful place to be. and it will rub off on everything things that go out for it as ideas., Books, talks, videos, visits– people coming into sometimes visit. And other places as a reflection, and affiliated to.
We can sew seeds, we can nurture them, this is going to be our time
Keep dreaming, form it
I remember once when I was at university in the states. And I was newly married and I was 19, – and I must’ve been so sweet! I did a project where I said that we need to show that things are possible, so I made a straw place a stick and wood place and then a final built place to just show. We don’t need to get to the finishing line in one leap.
So place your attention on what you were going to be doing and feeling in your near future and make it near.
Take your attention away from the scare stories, although it is quite useful to know what is going on. But your attention And energy – yes – feed the dreams!
We will find that there are hundreds of thousands of us beginning to pursue our dreams, and then we will find that we have areas where we overlap, and we realise you’re my neighbour, and we share the same values and aims. Or this is why I met you! – and you start to understand that these skills and talents, which were perhaps hidden within you become seen, and we are naturally attracted to each other in groups and communities, and from that, you have strength and structure, and you can build things. Because we have to rebuild a lot., We have to rebuild everything. We have to take what is good, hold onto that., nurture it, feed it and then add new and beautiful and good, and we use the patterning from our divine source self, and of course nature, which is Prime Creator in all its glory.

You can message me on this page using the email box if you would like to engage in one of these sessions yourself- to expand your tools, your awareness or to re-activate something specific. I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £30 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.
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