“Monument of Regret” Marble Zone PARODY

1 year ago

Another one of my little songs I made up in third grade while studying the pyramids of ancient Egypt…

This song inspired me to write a whole headcanon about a pharaoh or prince that falls in love with a servant and (because he can’t have her as his queen) decided to make a pyramid to ensure that he and her will be buried together and hopefully meet in the afterlife.

It was kinda dark, and because I was 8 the story gets even wierder with mummies and zombies etc.

But yeah, good times.

Yes, this song mentions slavery…
Within the context of how the pyramids were constructed it’s historically accurate to call them what they were.

They weren’t “unpaid interns” or “indentured volunteers”

They worked themselves away in the hot sun to the crack of a whip.
Let’s not try and kid anyone by being overly verbose for the sake of not causing offense.

It happened. And yes, it was tragic.
Even as a third grader I somewhat understood this.

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