"Light of the World" We The Kingdom MERRY CHRISTMAS CARD 2023 WORLD! Music Story "BIRTH OF JESUS"

1 year ago

The Art of Music Movie Video Storytelling, Tabernacle of David SON, Praise and Worship intentional!
"I Exalt Thee"...............................SUBSCRIBE TO HIS GLORY!
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This Music MOVIE Story was Produced with a CREATOR Wave Video acct/ Affiliate LINK HERE:
Tabernacle of David SON is a Music MOVIE storytelling, creator for the Glory of Our CREATOR, The LORD Jesus. When I first heard Frannie's voice, well I would love to be like her dad, in the , WE THE KINGDOM, family of musicians.
As a musician at heart, I was happy, "My LORD", Himself, through the Holy Spirit, put me into the, "We The Kingdom", music as well as "The Birth of Jesus", movie. A creative tribute to OUR MESSIAH, Born in Bethlehem, to become THE LAMB OF GOD, taking away our sin, THE LORD OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD and Israel, forevermore. Listen, watch, and LOVE the artists here.

SUBSCRIBE TO; We The Kingdom, the movie, and Tabernacle of David SON.
Singer Frannie + Actress performing Mary= The "Greatest Miracle of Mankind", Story

Hear "Light of the World" transform Mary's life LYRICALLY; "From great heights of glory, YOU saw my story."

WE THE KINGDOM video of "Light of the World" here:
Thanks for copyright to create for you tube both We The Kingdom and "The Birth of Jesus".
TO The Lord Jesus, all the glory.

Mary gives one of the best ever female soliloquy's, though Edited Here for length. Like that of Hamlet, via Shakespeare, the verse is captivating.
"Birth of JESUS", movie here:
#wethekingdom, #lightoftheworld,

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