Plymouth Mayflower 400 Plymouth. Plymouth Mayflower 400 1 2020

1 year ago

Plymouth Mayflower 400 Plymouth. Plymouth Mayflower 400 2020. Plymouth United Kingdom and Massachusetts Festival. 16th September 1620. The Mayflower Autonomous Ship (MAS) is a highly innovative project to design, build and sail the world's first full-sized, fully autonomous unmanned ship across the Atlantic Ocean.

It is hoped the sailing of this ground-breaking new ship will reflect the voyage undertaken 400 years ago when the original Mayflower left Plymouth to journey to America.

At over 100ft in length the Mayflower Autonomous Research will be powered by state-of-the-art wind and solar technology. The revolutionary trimaran vessel will carry on board a variety of drones through which it will conduct experiments during its voyage.

It was officially launched at a naming ceremony in Plymouth on 16 September 2020, 400 years after the original Mayflower left the maritime city to cross the Atlantic.

However, truly following in the footsteps of the original Mayflower, the MAS unfortunately had to cut short its maiden voyage just days after leaving Plymouth in June 2021.
The teams behind the project - IBM and ProMare - hope to attempt another crossing at a later date.
400 years ago in 1620The pilgrim fathers sailed out to what is now America. For a while America was British. Untilled the news settlers re named it Americ. With the spirit of adventure. A lot of harm was also done. We still have issues over immigration today?

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