Disraeli the Destroyer. 1st Jewish British Prime Minister, a Rothschild Agent of the Zionist Agenda

1 year ago

Disraeli the Destroyer. First Jewish British Prime Minister, a Rothschild Agent of the Zionist Agenda
A Reading of Disraeli the Destroyer by Arnold Leese
December 3, 2023
Apollonian Germ
Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli oversaw a very crucial time during the Takeover of the British Empire that proceeded the British Led Globalist Cabal Takeover of the entire world. The British Aristocracy was more than simply Zionist Friendly, they were to a large extent married directly into the Jewish Khazarian Merchant Banker Families. The Founding of the State of Israel would never been possible without this Alliance with the Zionist Rothschild Network by the British Elite such as the Cecil Rhoades - Lord Alfred Milner Round Table Group / Pilgrim's Society Minions.
Disraeli The Destroyer - Archive.org


Disraeli The Destroyer - Arnold Leese ( Page 4 of 20 ) America. Leese served 8 months in prison and returned home in November An Illustration From
Disraeli and the Rothschilds provide a study in the power of political ...

Feb 3, 2023Notebooks Disraeli and the Rothschilds provide a study in the power of political patronage February 3, 2023 Suzanne Raine The diaries of Charlotte de Rothschild show, through her relationship with Mary Anne Disraeli, the complex emotional ties between politicians and their financiers. The Palace of Westminster, London in the nineteenth century.
Arnold Leese - Wikipedia


Arnold Spencer Leese (16 November 1878 - 18 January 1956) was a British fascist politician. Leese was initially prominent as a veterinary expert on camels. A virulent anti-Semite, he led his own fascist movement, the Imperial Fascist League, and was a prolific author and publisher of polemics both before and after the Second World War.
The Collections ‹ Rothschild FAQs :: The Rothschild Archive


In 1875, the London banking house of N M Rothschild & Sons advanced the Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli, acting for the British Government, £4million to purchase Suez Canal shares.
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