EMF & Shedding Protective SILVER - TRU47

1 year ago

Tru47.com - 25% off code DRJUDY25

The kids are scared and we have to help them, Show that we're not!
These are EMF protection, they are silver, wear these! ...Look like the blue Chinese masks. They just won't have the graphene oxide & the pieces of shredded asbestos & the toxicity.
It'll stop the 5g, your kids are exposed to 5g.
So they have to go to the school & they have to wear the masks: You always say no! But mom doesn't put the kid in a bad place. & if all the vaxxed kids are shedding, they're protected... silver in & silver out ... it won't get you either way.
This will be true protection. & we'll never do it again. TRU47.com
She's donated 1000s of masks to inner city kids in LA over the first plandemic. We need to help these kids, the kids are scared & we have to help them, show that we're not!
"If you won't fight for the right to breathe air, the sky's the limit for your perpetual enslavement."
We know there's an issue we know of all the synthetics and the metals in these masks. We heard on TheHighWire if you breathe in 16% oxygen out 4% carbon dioxide, only .03 is enough to cause lifelong brain injury! ... Never again!

Tru47.com EMF & Shedding Protective SILVER
Until end of 2023, get 25% off with code DRJUDY25.

For data, read my book: The Case Against Masks http://tinyurl.com/BookCaseAgainstMasks

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