A.I., Entities, the Illuminati, Abductions, etc.: With Dr. Christopher Macklin!

1 year ago

Links to books by Christopher Macklin:

Social Media: (he just added Rumble...I will update this list before the interview)
Twitter: @cmacklinm

Instagram: GlobalEnlightenmentProject

FB: Global Enlightenment Project –

Google Hang Out: christophermacklinministries@gmail.com

Dr. Rev. Dr. Christopher Macklin – PH.D
Medical Intuitive, Paranormal Conduit, Spiritual Teacher, Health & Wellness Practitioner

Dr. Christopher Macklin is highly respected as a UFO expert, a medical intuitive, remote viewer, a Spiritual Teacher and Energetic healer for his work in assisting people in achieving optimal spiritual/mental/emotional/ physical health. His work which addresses a wide range of mind/body/spirit imbalances to overall wellness, which is well received and resonates with the general public - who have been experiencing all kinds of emotions, chronic mental imbalances and increased physical illnesses during the pandemic


Dr. Macklin shares his insights in the fields of spirituality, health and wellness and the paranormal. His topics includes SADS, 5G's and the affects on the public, UFO's, The Galactic Federation, raising the immune system, Divine Sovereignty, Cause and Effect of Illness, lectures on the physical, spiritual and emotional guide to health & wellness.

Christopher specializes in healing abductees and others who have suffered related negative ET trauma. He assists people in removing negative ET presences from their lives, clearing homes and land, and closing multidimensional portals. He also works tirelessly with “illuminati fall out children” who have been mind-controlled and physically tortured by ET influenced governmental agencies and institutions. In addition, he works very closely with the Pleiadians and Arcturians to help heal and rebalance humanity. His new book History, Truth and Healing addresses the negative ET presence and how it has affected humanity.


Born as a highly aware psychic child in Chester, England, Christopher Macklin was able to perceive energy fields, spirit activity and multi-dimensional phenomena from a very young age. to meditate for hours a day for four years in order to integrate his highest path and to understand the divine healing that he was being called to share with the world. understanding of how these toxins breaks down the body’s immune system and leads to catastrophic consequences

His exemplary research findings are culled from scientific evidence, intuitive information and divine connection which makes him a highly respected speaker, lecturer and medical consultant world-wide.

Christopher Macklin serves an international client base, helping thousands of people rebalance and heal from various physical, mental and emotional issues. His client’s testimonials serve as ample proof in understanding the life changing experiences he is able to facilitate. He and his wife Amanda have founded “The Global Enlightenment Project”
to serve an awakening humanity and to support the healing needs of people all over the earth For more info: www.globalenlightenmentproject.com

Today Christopher is an internationally known energy healer who specializes in healing people
from all forms of illness- emotional and physical especially those created through ET technologies such Morgellons, Lyme,etc and has developed his own protocol for removing them from the body. Dr. Macklin treats Emotional Disorders, including Addictions, Chronic Depression, Schizophrenia and Bi-Polar Disorder. The whole person, and their whole life are treated, therefore relationships of families and loved ones can also be repaired and restored.

At https://www.globalenlightenmentproject.com you can learn more about ETs: the good and the bad, Manufactured Diseases, The Galactic Federation, How to Connect with your Galactic Family, Mind Control and many resources for Enlightenment, as well as his books: "Centering the Mind: Healing of Chronic, Stress, Anxiety and Depression:
and "History, Truthand Healing: HIV/AIDS, Agent Orange, Gulf War Syndrome, Morgellons and Lyme Disease"

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