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We're back from a month plus long hiatus and we have A LOT to catch up on!!! So much has happened in this biblical surreality show of the pre-tribulation/tribulation of the end times playing our before eyes. From the situation in Israel and Gaza to the progressive economic collapse to the continued genocide of humanity-we have a lot to get into as usual. So many conspiracies that are no longer theory I almost can't keep track of them all! Let's get into as many of them as we can fit into the broadcast as well as updates on so many things coming into the plot as we continue forward on a path towards a massive die off for so many and a great awakening for the elect that are waking up to the truth and are walking the path of the way, the truth, and the life. It's a spiritual war over us and we are not victims or bi-standards in the process unless we choose to be. Let's take our power back together. Here we go...

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