Eye Opening Interview with Dr. William Makis on Medical System Corruption and Turbo Cancer

1 year ago


In this episode, I interview Dr. William Makis, who details his experience with Alberta health care and the corruption in the medical system. This is an eye-opening interview as most people don’t realize how deep the corruption goes, especially in a country like Canada. Dr. Makis started to speak out about the corruption before C*o*vid, however, nobody was paying attention and now more and more people are waking up to the unbelievable evil that has a stranglehold on our governments and politicians.

For those who want an expert in the medical industry who helped treat cancer talk about what he is seeing with the jabs and how it is causing turbo cancers then you will want to watch this interview. There are many other interviews where Dr. Makis goes into detail on the mechanisms of how the turbo cancers are happening after someone gets the jab but in this interview, the focus is on what people can do about it. Can you trust your medical doctor? Can you trust the medical system?

It’s time for people to take their health into their own hands. Your health is WAY TOO IMPORTANT to trust a super corrupt system. Even if you want to get conventional treatments why not complement them with alternative therapies and methods? The people who are speaking the truth and trying to actually help are not the ones making billions. Money and power corrupt. I hope that after watching this interview, people will start questioning the traditional medical system and not have blind faith in the system.

My sister is a nurse and she is an excellent nurse. My point isn’t to say everyone in the system is corrupt…of course not! The point is the system is corrupt to its core and it is controlled by big pharmaceutical companies who only care about money and power.

Just think about this…there’s no money in good health. They need sick people to make money. It’s time to realize that getting healthy starts OUTSIDE the medical system.

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