New Moon in Sagittarius Reading with Mani

1 year ago

I was called to do a New Moon Reading with Mani. He chose to Runic Tarot deck and the Moonolgy Oracle deck, and He also wanted to include a rune in this reading so my river rocks rune set is also included. The cards were pulled before the recording because of space restrictions.

There are opportunities on the horizon and situations, jobs, and/or relationships that won't be able to come with you. Being open to inspiration or intuitive messages at this time will be highly beneficial.

Anyway, thank you for reading/watching. This is a collective reading. Take only what resonates.

Deck: Runic Tarot

Artwork on the Tarot cards by Jack Sephiroth

Moonology Oracle Cards

by Yasmin Boland

Artist: Nyx Rowan

Hail Mani!

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