"Change is Absolutely Inevitable"

1 year ago

Celebrate Rutgers student art, and change, with works curated by the amazing, Salma HQ (@itstandsforhighquality) at Above Art Studios! Metamorphosis honors the growing pains of student artists through their deeply personal journeys of development and discovery. #ContemporaryArtNj #ContemporaryArt #ContempotaryArtPhilly #ArtNy #ArtNJ #ArtPhilly #ArtGalleryNJ #ArtGalleryNY #ArtGalleryPhilly #ArtGalleryNewBrunswick #FineArtNJ #FineArtNY #artcollectornewyork

To purchase Art, visit www.AboveArtStudios.com
To book an event at this award-winning Art Gallery visit our website or call (908) 377-8980

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