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Julie Green Shorts - This is Not Just Political - Rather It is Spiritual Warfare - Dec 1st, 2023
The entire video may be seen on The Church of What's Happen' Now Channel:
A condensed version with just the prophecy and Julie's comments is at:
Original Video Full Transcript:
Good morning, everybody. Today is actually still Sunday, November 26th of 2023. You will see this on Friday, December 1st. The reason for that is because I am spending time with the Lord. So you will see me again. You should see me again. Live on Tuesday, December 5th, but until then, I'm pre recording for you, bringing these prophetic words and revelations from heaven and whatever the Lord has for me to give to you during this time where I am spending time with him, I want to make sure you receive this encouragement.
You receive these scriptures and whatever the Lord has to put on my heart to give. To you for this specific time. So, again, I'll be back on Tuesday, December 5th for a live show, but until then you will also see me pre recording for Monday, December 4th. Now, if you have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at jgm international.
org under our contact page, or you can write us at Julie Green ministries international 4620 East 53rd street suite 200. Downport, Iowa, 52807. Now again, don't forget, I'm going to be in Tulare, California for the Reawaken America tour, December 15th and 16th. So get your tickets today. And I hope I can see some of you there.
And then also get your tickets for the gathering in Grand Ridge, Florida with brother Timothy Dixon, Amanda Grace, Manuel Johnson, myself, Jared and the kindred souls, and so many others. So please join us. And I think Candy at Christmas and Jasmine Brady will also be there. So please join us in January. So if you want that information, you can go to our website at JGM international.
org. Under our events pages. Also, if you want any julie green ministries merchandise, you can go to That's they're the only company that sells our merchandise and our logo anything with our logo on it So I know that there's going to be some new merchandise at some point here pretty soon So I can't wait for that to share that with you But again, if you're looking for things for julie green ministries merchandise, you can go to and yes soon there'll be more cups coming in check that and I know Three Sons Threads,
I was talking to them, They do send out emails when things get back in stock. So check that out All right. Now i'm going to be sharing my screen with you. This prophetic word was giving given to us During one of our prayer calls again, so I will share my screen with you and then I'll be back with you momentarily
Enemies of almighty God. I say woe to you. Woe to you and what you are about to do. Woe to you and the death that it will bring to you. I have warned you and I have warned you to back off. I have warned you to stop what you are about to do. But you want to go through. You want to go forth. You want to do it.
But I say you will not. I say I'm the defender of the United States of America. I defend this nation. I defend the nation of Israel. I defend them. And I never sleep, and I never slumber. And I see what you're about to do to bring the death toll, to bring such destruction and chaos, but I will not let you go through what you are about to try to do.
It won't happen. Because I am standing in between you and my nations. I'm standing between you and what you are trying to do to bring war and chaos and destruction throughout this world.
You will not have that virus. You will not destroy. The population across this earth. You do not have the power to stay in power. You don't have power in this hour.
I am going to expose each and every one of you, where every single one of your secret hideouts were. Every single one of the places that you were storing these death sentences for people, these viruses. These plagues, pestilences, and what you are doing in medications when people are unaware. And what you are doing in food when people are unaware.
What you are doing with the air when people are unaware. What you are doing with the soil when people are unaware. All the things that you are doing.
You will see my hand smite you. You will see my hand devour every single one of your plans. Obama, you are not in control of my nation. You are not in control of the nations around the world. Oh, no, you are not. And judgment is about to come to you, a judgment that you never thought you would ever go through.
You will be in torment and torture. You will be exposed in a way that you thought you've hidden all your dirty secrets. You've hidden all your plans. You've hidden all these things that I will tell you I will expose you mightily.
You will not have the death in this nation. And you will not have the death of this nation. You and all who are with you. You are through. Do you hear me? All who are with you. You are through. Obama, I am going to show the world every dark and evil secret that you have hidden. All the ones who have put you in the position that you are in.
All the things that you have already done to my nation. I'm going to expose the world, how illegitimate you were and how illegitimate you still are. Do you hear me? You are illegitimate. So every law you pass and everything that you've done to cause damage to my nation and the first two terms of your presidencies that were illegitimate.
And the third term you supposedly have now will be wiped out in a day.
Oh, United States,
awake! Awake now! Awake now! The enemies have a plan.
They have a plan to stop your next election. They have a plan. Oh, yes. If the replacement of Biden and Harris does not go as planned, they have a plan in place. Their plan B, you would say, is to stop the 2024 election.
They have evil things. On the horizon. Yes, they have many evil things on the horizon that they want, but they don't see me and they don't see my plan and they're not counting on me because they think I'm dead. Well, I'm about to show them how alive I really am because I am a God and I will, I am alive and I will always be alive.
I am not dead.
So my Children, as my hand is moving and as you see judgment and as you see weather become extremely unusual, good and bad
when you see the markets and when you see things becoming so restrictive,
don't fear because I am near
your victory in your celebrations are closer than you realize. They're already yours. You have them now. So don't stop. Push them back. Push them back. Push them back and resist. Resist the devil and he what? He must flee. Resist these enemies. Resist their plans. Resist their power. Resist and they must.
This is your time of a great jubilee. This is a time of great Movements, you're about to see from me,
a great shock and awe is about to take place. So arise my children, in the face of evil, you will rise higher than it. You're not going to just survive. I have you to thrive through it all. You are the head and not the tail. You are the above. Not beneath. Don't ever expect and accept limitations. Receive my glory.
Receive that I'm alive. Receive me this day, sayeth the Lord.
Okay, so I do apologize that the calendar was because of the camera. You couldn't see the date. The date is November 16th, where this prophetic word was from November 16th, 2023. And why is those so, so important and significant? It's because again, God is warning our enemies about what they are planning to do and how it's not going to go through.
So what they're planning to do is not going to go through. That's why this is so important for you and I to know this because it looks like they have everything in place. It looks like they have all their protection. It looks like they have all the court systems and they have all these judges and they have all these different things.
And it looks like they can do whatever they want. They've all these corporations, and they have the who, and they have the one world government, and they have the Federal Reserve, and that, and everything, all in their pocket, everything that they need, they have. And God is saying, it's not enough. Everything that you see the enemies have, it's still not enough to defeat God.
Nothing will defeat God. Nothing. And so when he kept saying, woe to you, again, when I hear him repeat certain words, then this is what I do. I look him up. So he says, woe. So, what does woe mean? It's W O E. Woe means great sorrow or distress. Often used so, okay. Then it says also things that cause sorrow or distress or troubles.
So great sorrow or distress. Things that cause sorrow or distress or troubles. Let's see here. As in,
uh, woe can mean righteous anger. Woe, biblically, can mean righteous anger.
the synonym of woe is anguish, grief, regret, or sorrow. So God is saying woe to enemies of Almighty God, which means anguish, grief, regret, or sorrow. God is never gonna let our enemies win. Never. There's nothing that the enemies have ever done since the beginning of time till now has ever overthrown God.
No matter how many times our adversary tries to overthrow God, it will never work. He got thrown out of heaven. Lucifer got thrown out of heaven for trying to overthrow God in heaven. God is the most high. There's nothing higher than God. You think the enemies would, you know, eventually get it after a while, but they don't because of pride.
Now, I want to read something to you, some scriptures that show you. That the enemies will be cut off or the enemies will be stopped and their plans will never go as planned This is scriptural. So psalm 33 I think I did a teaching on some of these scriptures like a week or two weeks ago now but the Lord had me bring these scriptures up again again because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word Romans 10 17 We have to hear the word of God and then keep continually hearing the word of God.
So when the Lord has been warning us about the time that we're living in right now, and how it could look very distressful, frustrating, overwhelming, dark, chaotic, destructive, what do we do? Don't keep our eye on those things. But just know that God talked about it. He warned us of it, but he's also going to do something through it all.
He's going to give us the victory. He's also going to defend and protect us. That's what he promises to do. Remember, he's our fortress. He's our strengthener. He's our high tower. He's our advocate. He's our standby. He's everything that we need So it doesn't matter what we need. He is that so I want to read in in Psalm 33 talks about right here Psalm 33 and verse 8 let all the earth fear the Lord now the word fear here was not Translated right from the Greek or the Hebrew into English Fear is more reverence of reverence or respect of God, not fear as in like, Oh my God, terror fear.
It's respect, revere God, make him number one in your life. So when you see that fear in the Bible here, that does not mean you should be afraid. You should be respectful. You should be wanting to obey. So it's not a fear of torment. Let all the earth fear the Lord. Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him.
Now, the enemies of Almighty God should fear Him because He is righteousness. He is justice. He is life. He's truth. He's everything opposite of them and he will destroy Everything that they stand for because remember God is absolutely good. God is all good good destroys evil God is truth truth destroys destroys a lie So then it goes on let all the earth fear the Lord let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him For he spoke and it was done.
He came in and it stood fast Remember when God spoke in Genesis chapter one, he said, light be, and light was. He spoke those words back 6, 000 some years ago now. He spoke those words into existence and those words never stopped. They never stopped. His words, let light let there be light or light be and light was, and those words are still working today.
Our universe is still expanding. Why? Because when he said let there be light, those words, he never told to stop. So those words are still creating right now. God's word, there's nothing that's going to overthrow God or God's word. He is light. He is love. He is hope. He is goodness. He's everything opposite of our enemy.
This is right here verse 10 now This is what I want you to write down circle underline, you know, get it down into your heart this scripture The Lord brings again. This is Psalm 33 verse 10 The Lord brings a council of the nations to nothing the Lord brings the council of the nations to nothing So in other words, you could say he brings a one world government to nothing.
He brings Government's to nothing. He brings people in a power and political power or whatever. He brings them to nothing. I'm going to read that again. The Lord brings a council of the nations to nothing. He makes the, now listen, what he was talking about in this prophetic word. He was talking about their plans of 2024.
He's talking about plans are replacing Biden Harris. Guys been talking about that since about January, February, or 2022. Well, now all of a sudden you hear in the news media, they're talking about questioning Biden because he's losing in the polls and they're questioning replacing him and you see Gavin Newsom show up.
Oh, he was the one who actually met with President Xi from China. Why would a governor meet a president of a nation before the president of this nation met him, if he was a real president or if he was important? But he's not. You hear people talking about his replacement, questioning if he should still run in 2024 because of his cognitive ability and his function.
Guy talked about the failure of his cognitive ability and function, and that it'd be more and more that they would not be able to hide it. Now you see lamestream media talking about it. Why? Because they're setting up the foundation of replacing him. You see it. Again, Guy's been speaking these words for almost two years and now we're seeing it come to pass.
Because everything that they're doing is not working. It's blowing up in their face. So now they have to have another plan. The Lord said they have a plan, not only to bring a virus, which the Lord has talked about. They want to bring viruses. They want to bring lockdowns. They want to bring all these things.
And you think of what they did in 2020 before the 2020 election. They didn't want Trump to win. So, what did they do? They caused chaos around the world. That was strategic. Now, you hear of another one that's coming. The Lord's been warning us about this. He's been warning us about them trying to lock us down again and about another virus and about elections don't save you.
I will. And he says, I will do things in unconventional ways. To bring back our rightful president. We don't need another election to bring him back Remember if he won the last one, he doesn't need another one to bring him back It's now I want to get to once I read some of these scriptures and I want to go really back There's part of it where God was talking about Obama.
He was talking about his Not only that, you know, the third term he's pretty much doing right now because of Biden, because we all know Biden's not in control. I mean, a person that's realistic is realizing that because if somebody who can't function and he can't speak, doesn't know where to get off of a stage or, you know, where people actually shake their hand and he shakes hand with the air, we know that they're not running things.
But God talked about his first two terms. With Obama, he is giving us more insight and revelation about what he's doing and what all these people and their plans and how they're all coming down. Now, if you're illegitimate, if you are not a person who was rightfully elected in this nation or in any nation, if what you did during that term or during those presidencies, it's all wiped out.
It was illegitimate. It's a fraud. It's fake. It can't stand. The law does not stand behind something that's illegitimate or fraudulent. So anything that was fraudulent will be all taken down. Say, Julie, how does God do that? I don't know. But he can. Watch. Psalm 33, verse 10. The Lord brings a council of the nations to nothing.
That means everything that they stand for will be brought to nothing. Then he says, He makes the plans of the people of no effect. The council of the Lord stands forever. The plans of his heart to all generations. Blesses the nations whose God is the Lord, the people he has chosen as his own inheritance.
Now, remember, to make no effect. I know I looked this up, like I said, I know it was a week or two ago and I think I was doing a teaching on this, but let me look this up.
See what this means.
If I can type, there we go. Okay. So he said to make no effect right here in this word, he says the plan, the Lord brings a council of nations to nothing. He makes the plans of the people of no effect. So the plans of that what council, the plans of the evil people to no effect. What does that mean? Without achieving the desired efforts or results.
So they're not going to get the desired result of their plan. So they have a plan to bring about chaos or war. Remember God said they keep, they're wanting to bring a war. Why? Because in times of war, if your country is at war, Elections are ceased. They stop. They don't have them. Look what they've done in Ukraine to keep Zelensky in there.
He's also another fake and a fraud. But again, why do they do that? Because if they can't cheat their normal way, or their fraud their normal way that they're used to doing it, they have to think of other means. God has been warning us about our enemies becoming very desperate. And if they're becoming very desperate, then they're going to do even more, or try to do more against us.
Look what they did, now the desperation that you saw in 2020. Well, this is worse because now you see a year out, you see the polls with the Biden and how bad he is doing. So now they got to try to think of a replacement that could potentially beat president Trump. Again, This is not Democrat versus Republican.
It's not even Donald Trump versus "the Biden". This is good and evil. This is life versus death of not only people, but of a nation, of goodness, of freedoms, of liberty, of justice. This is what this war is. And so we have to remind ourselves, this is not about people because it says in Ephesians six and verse 12, we don't wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers and rulers of the darkest of this world.
We are wrestling with spiritual things, even though it comes in the natural. We're seeing with, you know, politics. This is not a political warfare. It may seem like that, but it's really spiritual. But again, God brings the plans of the enemy to make no effect. That means, again, without achieving the desired effects, Or results.
They're not going to get the end result. What is the end result of these people? The death to America, the death to freedoms, the death of liberty, the death of justice, the death of truth and goodness. Well, they're never going to have that because God is truth. God is good. God is life. God's foundation of his throne is justice.
They can't have something that was never given to them to take away. They don't have the power. Because it's God, they don't have the power to take away something that they could not make or give on their own. We have to realize what this fight is. And so then when we are under pressure, and then when everything looks like it's crazy and chaotic, and it looks like we could just give up and give into all of this stuff, we won't because we'll stand firm that God, remember God wins.
Then he loses the end. It's as simple as that time after time after time. The enemy has always trying to overthrow God. There's nothing new under the sun. The enemy's always tried to, but God makes his plans of no effect. That means they will never get the desired end result. Now,
Psalm 37,
Psalm 37 in verse one, write these scriptures down and read them. If you are getting discouraged or you're getting overwhelmed or frustrated about the situations and the circumstances that you're seeing before you, if you're at that point where I just say, do it, I just don't know if I could do this another day, God's not asking you to do it alone.
He's not asking you to fight this battle by yourself and in your own strength and your own ability. We're fighting a spiritual war. You don't fight it with natural human ability or strength or intelligence. You rely on God, his wisdom, his knowledge, and his understanding. You rely on his strength, not your own.
And if you are struggling today and say, God, I just don't see how this can happen. I just don't know if I can keep fighting. I mean, if it's going to get worse before it gets better, I don't know how much I can hang on. God is never telling you to do something. Giving you the ability to already do. He's already given you the ability to fight.
He's given you the ability to stand He's given you the ability to win. He's given you the ability to rise above. He's given you the ability to have that joy that which passes all understanding, or I'm sorry, that peace that passes all understanding. He's giving you that peace. He's giving you that joy.
Sorry. Joy is the strength. Joy of the Lord is your strength. He's given you the ability. He's not asking you to stand and fight this battle by yourself. So if you are struggling today, and if you truly, truly need. More strength, which is joy. Spend time with the Lord. Spend time with his word. We'll give you that.
Remember it says, ask, seek, and you shall find, given it shall be given unto you. Sorry. If you seek, you shall find. If you knock, and the door shall be opened. If you are seeking God, if you are knocking on the door saying, God, I just thank you that you have already given me this strength, whether I feel like it or not, Jesus has won it for me.
And he said all your promises are yes and amen You said in your word that I can do all things through christ whom strengthens me So I thank you that I can do what I can overcome now I want to read the scripture to you. Psalm 37 says in verse 1 fret not which is fear not Yourself because of evildoers neither be envious against those who work uprightness That which is not upright or in right standing with god So don't be afraid of the evil that you see don't be afraid of the people that are in front of you.
Why? Verse 2 they shall be soon be cut down like the grass and wither as a green herb They'll be cut off their power will be taken away verse 7 be still and rest in the Lord wait for him Patiently and then says lean your yourself upon him fret not again He's telling you to fear not fret not yourself because of him who prospers in his way Because of man who brings wicked devices to pass so it looks like they're prospering their way and they're bringing all their plans to pass Be saying, fear not.
Verse 9. For evildoers shall be cut off, but those who wait up hope and look for the Lord in the end shall inherit the earth. Verse 10. For yet a little while and the evildoers will be no more. He's talking about this over and over. How many times does he have to repeat himself for us to realize what he's going to do?
It's scriptural. He talks about this, he says this, and he's faithful to perform his word.
For yet in a little while the evildoers will be no more. Though you look with care where they used to be, they will not be found. Even though you will look where they used to be, they will not be found. Then he says, Verse 12 is his Psalm 37 in verse 12, the wicked plot against the uncompromisingly, righteous, the upright, and right standing with God.
They gnashed at them with their teeth. So the evil doers or the evil people, the ones on the side of of evil, are planning all these, you know, the plots and the schemes and stuff. And God says, look, in verse 13, the Lord laughs at the wicked. Why? For he sees that their own day of defeat is coming. That's why we need to start seeing things through the eyes of God.
Because if we see them, we will also laugh and we will know the defeat, defeat is coming to the enemy. Defeat is coming to the enemy. PSalm 37 verse 19, They shall not be put to shame in the time of evil, and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied. We shall not be put to shame. That means, God, if you're standing and holding your trust in God, you're not going to be put to shame.
That means God is going to do what he says he's going to do. He doesn't fail. He doesn't forsake you. All right. I'm gonna go back over this prophetic word. So again enemies of Almighty God I say woe to you Woe to you and what you are about to do Woe to you and the death that will bring to you now He's talking about woe to you remember what woe to you means it's great sorrow or distress often use It says that things that are sorrow or distress or trouble Things that cause sorrow distress or trouble.
So the enemies of Almighty God He says woe to you and what you are about to do woe to you the death that it will bring to you So what they are trying to do to the world that's gonna bring sorrow to them. Remember you reap what you sow It's a law you reap What you sow. He says, I have warned you, I have warned you, said it twice, to back off.
I've warned you to stop what you are about to do, but you want to go through, you want to go forth. Same thing with Pharaoh. He did the same thing. God warned him. God gave him the plagues of Egypt. God showed him that he was a one true God. Pharaoh kept trying to go forth. And go through with his plans and ultimately Pharaoh was destroyed.
He says what you want to do, but I say you will not. What they want to do is they want to go forth. They want to go through their plans. They want to go forth what you want to do it. But I say you will not. You will not be able to go through is what he's talking. He's telling them. I say I'm the defender of the United States of America.
All right, let's look up the word. Defender, defender, I think would mean protect
a person who defends someone or something. A person who defends someone or something. He's defending us. He's protecting us. So he's like, I'm the defender of the United States of America. I defend this nation. What he protects this nation and he says, I defend the nation of Israel. I defend them and I never sleep and I never slumber.
That means nothing is going to get past God. And he says, and I see what you're about to bring, the death toll, to bring such destruction. And chaos, but I will not let you go through with what you want to try to, what you, what you were about to try to do again, they're trying to bring more devastation, destruction, chaos to stop the 2024 election.
If they can't cheat, if the fraud's not going to work, if the person they have in place and replacing him is not going to work, they know that if president Trump gets to the position that he's already rightfully his, they know they are done for. So they don't realize they're done for now. It isn't, doesn't take just President Trump being back in office for them to be done for, because they're messing with God.
They're not just messing with a man. They're messing with God.
So they don't realize that. That's why they're all of their, all their focus has been on President Trump. They don't realize it's who's behind him, who's in him, in all of us. It's not just President Trump. It's all of us. We have the greater one on the inside of us and he that's in the world. We have God in us.
That's why they can't do anything. It's not gonna go with how they want it to go. It's not gonna go. Then he says, it won't happen because I'm standing in between you and my nations. Again, he's a protector. He says, I'm standing between you and what you are trying to do to bring war, chaos, and destruction throughout this world.
You will not have that virus. He's been telling you and I've been warning you because he's been warning us about more viruses. And now look what's happening in China. There's another virus I'm talking about. It's ridiculous. They think because it worked sort of worked last time. That's going to work again.
It's not, he says, you will not destroy the population across this earth. They want a D population. He's saying you're not going to destroy the population across this earth. Why? God is life. They are trying to cause death, but God is life. He says you don't have the power to stay in power. Just like Pharaoh didn't have the power to stay in power.
They don't have the power to stay in power either. You don't have that power. In this hour I'm going to expose each and every one of you where every single one of your secret hideouts were. Now he's talking about their hideouts in secret places where they've made some of these plans. He said every single one of these places that you were storing these death sentences for people.
What death sentences for people, the viruses, plagues, pestilences, and what you were doing in medications when people were unaware. Now he's talking about, remember things are always how they appear to be. So now he's telling us we were unaware of some of these things. Now we're aware of it, but we, before we weren't.
What you're doing in their food when people were unaware. What you were doing with the air when people were unaware. What you're doing with the soil when people were unaware. All these things that you are doing, you will see my hand smite You okay, let's like a look up the word smite
smite means strike with a firm blow Guess as I'm going to strike you he's going to or smite them So that means strike with a firm blow to me that means quickly You will see my hand devour every single one of your plans now It goes and specifically talks about Obama. You are not in control of my nation, you know, remember He's the he's pulling those strings behind the scenes and God saying You're not in control of my nation.
You're not in control of the nations around the world. He wants to be the leader of the one world government. He says, oh no you are not. And judgment is about to come to you. A judgment that you never thought you would ever go through. You will be in torment and torture. You'll be exposed in a way you never thought.
Hidden, and then it says, you'll be exposed in a way that you thought, or never thought, you've hidden all your dirty secrets. So he never thought he was going to have any judgment. He thought he was going to get away with everything. And he says, you've hidden all your plans. You've hidden all these things that I will tell you.
I will expose you mightily. You can even say, I'll just, we'll expose you. I'll expose you mightily. You will not have the death in this nation. You will not have the death of this nation. So he says you will not have the death in this nation regarding the people and then he will not have the death of this nation regarding Obviously the nation and what this nation stands for is freedom and liberty and justice One nation under God.
He's not gonna kill that. He doesn't have the power to kill that He says you and all who are with you you are through that's what God is saying to them. They are through That means they're finished. They're brought to nothing. Remember God makes the plans of the enemy of no effect And he also says in Psalm 37 he cuts them off.
He's cutting them off. He says, do you hear me? All who are with you. You are through. Then he says, Obama, I'm going to show the world every dark and evil secret that you've hidden. All the ones who have put you in this position. That you are in all the things that you've already done to my nation. This is, this is so interesting.
He says, I'm going to expose the world, how illegitimate you were and how illegitimate you still are. So we said how illegitimate he was and now how illegitimate he still is. He never was legitimate. He says, do you hear me? You are illegitimate. Okay, let's look up that word
illegitimate Not authorized by the law. So he's saying he's illegitimate He's not authorized by the law not in accordance with accepted standards or rules and what it means. So something's illegitimate again not authorized by the law.
Okay, so then he says you're not authorized You never had that power. You are illegitimate. He says, so every law you passed and everything you have done to cause damage to my nation in the first two terms of your presidencies, they were illegitimate. So now God is revealing to us how illegitimate he was the first two times he was president and everything he did and all the damage he's caused to America.
God is saying he's going to restore it. He's going to bring it back. He's going to destroy everything that Obama did and everything that Obama stands for. And everybody who's with him, he says the third term you supposedly have now will be wiped out in a day, wiped out in a day. Oh United States, awake, awake now, awake now.
The enemies have a plan. Now he's telling us what the enemies are about to do. He's giving us a heads up. They have a plan to stop your next election. That shouldn't surprise any of us. He says they have a plan. Oh, yes. If the replacement of the Biden and Harris does not go as planned, we already know, they've been telling us for two years, they're going to replace him, which we're already starting to see the foundation of that.
They have a plan in place. Their plan B, you would say, to stop the 2024 election.
They will have evil things on, they have evil things on the horizon. Yes, they have many evil things on the horizon that they want, but they don't see me. So God is saying, even though this is what they want, God is giving us a heads up, this is what they want to do. He said that they don't see me. And they don't see my plan because God's plans always conquer the enemy.
He says, and they're not counting on me because they think I'm dead. Well, I'm about to show them how alive I really am. Praise the Lord. I'm so excited. When he said that, that just made me shout. I'm alive and I'm always be alive. I'm not dead to my children. He says i'm not dead and then to my children as my hand is moving As you see judgment as you see weather become extremely unusual good and bad When you see the markets when you see things becoming so restrictive and he's warning us Don't fear because I am near your victory in in your celebrations are closer than you realize So he says your victories are closer and your celebrations your victory and your celebrations are closer than you realize They're already yours You have them now.
So don't stop, push them back, push them back. What push them back and resist don't sit there and accept what they're doing. Resist the devil. He must flee these enemies resist their plans, resist their power, resist what they have. You this is your time of great Jubilee. This is a time of great movements.
This is you're about to see from me a great shock and awe is about to take place to arise my children, the face of to arise my children, the face of evil. You will arise higher than it. You're not going to just survive. I have you to thrive through it all. You are the head and not the tail. You are the above, not the beneath.
Don't ever expect and accept limitations. Receive my glory. Receive that I'm alive. Receive this day. Say it to the Lord. So again, receive that God is alive. It's God's plan and the enemy's plans will be made of no effect, will be brought to nothing. Remember, say it, put it in the comment section, blast it everywhere.
God wins. That's it. That's all we have to know. God wins. So I want to pray and reach out to every one of you before I go. Heavenly Father, we just want to praise and thank you for this great revelation. Thank you for warning us, Father God, and we praise and thank you that everything illegitimate, all the fraud, everything, Father God, that is based on the foundation of lie is coming down.
We thank you, Father God, that everybody's standing against you, Father God. They will not And they will not have their way. We thank you for making their plans of no effect. We thank you father God for cutting off the enemy. We thank you father God for giving us the joy of the Lord, which is our strength, which is your strength.
I thank you father God. You are giving each person right now to have strength, to persevere, to rise above everything that's trying to keep them back and hold them down. We thank you father God that we are not just going to survive, but we are going to. Thrive through it all. We thank you that all of our eyes are open.
Our hearts are softened to the truth. We thank you, Father God, that we are in the army of the Lord and we are standing guard. We are standing attention and we will not give in. We will not quit and we thank you. We will see the desires of the enemy. Fall like rain fall from their places of power and we thank you father god that you are protecting us in this time You said that you were the defender of the nation of united states of america that you defend israel And I know father god you not only defend but you also protect all of your children We thank you that we are in this world Well, we are not of it.
So no matter what they try to do with these viruses, no matter what they try to do with lockdowns, no matter what they try to do that to the staff of 2024 election, we call those plans of make no effect brought to nothing in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. And we thank you, Father God, that that name is above every name.
So we thank you that we win and our enemies lose. And we thank you that you are the greater one that lives on the inside of us, that he is in the world. So we thank and praise you, Father God, for everything that you've done and everything that you're doing. And we thank you for that. In Jesus name. Amen.
And amen. Remember, God wins and there's nothing. That's going to stop God and he goes on the inside of you. Well, I hope to encourage you today. Please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone. You know, who needs to hear an encouraging word? Who needs to hear the truth? Because the truth will set you free.
God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.
The original video may be viewed here: ---->>>
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