1 year ago

I am... mostly heart... from a young and and and really from the start... taking part in the run... race ran through the new pace. My body was on pace to chase the dream of space... less treachery a ... foot and a half from my... heel landing and toe commanding great force demanding... we know what you can be... we know who you will be... we will be eyes for thee. Who was I to know these were the real baddies? My dad was a baddie? No way just try to unsad me... the real deal had had me... the real deal had been me. Jon Malcovich had a can Dy ... sweet tooth for youth and used smooth uncouth loose morals and "the honorable" Judge Guth... Myers tire to wire the funds for false hire... wire for wire... the lawns green and honors for hire... liar can lie for lairs to lay... I wish I had a farm with some fields and horses that need hay... cow that needs singing too... birds that need reading too... flowers... well... some to smoke... some to tea... some to toke... the world gives us loads to use and unfold... the meanings within... the treats in the mold... the temple of time... the one we divine... inside of our temple... your body and mine. Love that line... I am still typing tho... so this means I have more to say... but I don't... I have to get another video ready... oh and Landon should be here in a few minutes... and Addison wants chicken nuggets... so enjoy your day!

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