The SFPD’s lack of action against the attacks on peaceful protesters during APEC is disturbing

10 months ago

12/12/2023 【Congressional-Executive Commission on China】Congressman Chris Smith: The reports of the San Francisco Police Department's apparent lack of action against the heinous attacks on peaceful protesters during APEC are deeply disturbing. It is believed that these attackers may have ties to the CCP's consulate or police. This must be investigated, as this marks an escalation of flagrant transnational repression on the United States soil
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
12/12/2023 【国会行政部门中共国委员会】 国会议员克里斯·史密斯:APEC期间,旧金山警察对和平抗议者遭受到的袭击置之不理的报道令人深感不安!据说这些袭击者可能与中共国领事馆或警察有关联。我们必须对此进行调查,因为这标志着中共在美国本土公然进行的跨国镇压的升级
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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