Calling all Americans and patriots around the world! Meet George Blakemore.

1 year ago

Ben Bergquam - Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV) News | Calling all Americans and patriots around the world! I made a promise to George, but I need your help to keep it.

It’s my honor to introduce you to George Blakemore. He is 81 years old and took the train from the inner city of Chicago out to meet me at O’Hare Airport because he didn’t want me to leave without you being able to hear his message.

He made sure the entire terminal heard him and I made him a promise that this message would go all over America and the world. I don’t usually make promises that I rely on others to help me keep but I knew when I heard him that you would all be in.

Please join me and spreading this incredible man’s voice and let the Democrats know we are done with them! “Make America Great Again!” #Trump2024 #CloseTheBorder - No more Democrat Plantation!

Law & Border - Real America’s Voice News

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