Getting Stone Crab with Lucky 13 Charters Captain Kyle Stephens

1 year ago

Stone Crab has always been a favorite for Hunters HD Gold’s President, Brian Conley. This is the first time Brian has ever been Crabbing. Host - Captain Kyle Stephens of Lucky 13 Charters came through and gave Brian this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Thank you so much to the Kyle Stephens Family. Make sure to check out Lucky 13 Charters in Sarasota, Florida if you are wanting to get out and have a great experience on the water.

This was a great time to test AktiveBlu lenses on the ocean. We did some testing with other people, but to experience AktiveBlu for the first time in the ocean was a great experience. The Variable Polarization was amazing pulling the traps up and blocking the blinding glare all day. At the end of the day my eyes were relaxed and no eye fatigues were present. Driving home with them at night, made it perfect to wear them all day without having to change lenses or put them on my head or neck when in restaurants.

For more information about AktiveBlu Lenses visit

For more information about Lucky 13 Charters visit

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Hunters HD Gold Behind the Lens Podcast Now in its third season!

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